“I did. Feels like a ‘he’ to me, don’t you think so?” Her full red lips pouted in that pretty way that she knew I found irresistible. Her tongue darts out to lick it before she places them on mine in a soft kiss.

I immediately stopped giving the documents my attention, dropped my phone on the side of the car, and kissed her back.

The drive to the resort took forty-five minutes, and before we arrived, I’d gotten a mind-blowing blowjob from my fiancée. The driver was blushing slightly by the time we got there. Though the side compartment had been taken up, I was sure he’d heard everything we’d just done.

“I already scheduled a time for us; we should get going.” Gigi began as we walked into the serenely beautiful resort. The design and interior were very much understated, but luxurious all the same. They sectioned the rooms into cabins, and each cabin was like an apartment with its bathroom, kitchen, and living room.,

“Babe, we just got here, and I’ve got work to do. We should reschedule for tomorrow.”

“We can’t!” She said in a whiny voice that I could not help but find annoying.

“You promised me you’d be spontaneous on this trip and that you were down to everything I had planned for us. And now you want to work?”

“It’s not just about work; you know how important this project is to the firm?”

“You know what? I don’t even know why I bother.” She snapped before walking into the reception area.

I sighed as a young woman approached us. Her nametag read Marilyn.

“Welcome to The Orient. Mr. Fitzgerald, your room is ready. If you follow me, I’ll take you right now.”

We follow her in silence, and I can tell that Gigi is sulking.

I had planned to review the contract Jamie had sent before forwarding it to my lawyers, but I surmise I could do that later.

Marilyn shows us around before leaving.

The cabin was nice and warm. There was a small electric fireplace in the center of the living room, and it gave the room a cozy feeling. A small adjoining kitchen with only a few pieces of equipment, a coffeemaker, a toaster, and an oven. Gigi could not cook anyway.

“We should have just stayed in your parent’s cabin in the mountains.” Gigi’s sulky voice comes from the other side of the room, and I turn to find her staring around the room with distaste.

The room is smaller than we expected, but that did not mean it was not pleasant.

“Let’s go skiing,” I say to her and smile and she lights up immediately.


“Yeah, come on. This is a vacation, and I made a promise I’d be spontaneous. I’d be a jerk to go back on my word.”

She beamed before calling whoever was in charge.

Soon enough, we put on our gear and walked to the sloppy area to ski. We had our backpack, which is doubled to cushion against accidents, poles, ski helmets, and goggles.

There were a few skiers on the slope, and we stared as our instructor joined us.

“The weather’s a little windy, but it’s usually like this. All you need to do is to be careful.” One instructor spoke to us as we walked to the starting point.

“Isn’t the windy weather supposed to be bad for skiing?” I said.

“It is, but the wind is mild here, sir.”

“Don’t be a chicken, baby. You’ve done this before.”

I wasn’t scared. As the instructor talked about the wind, I had a bad feeling. I knew how dangerous an avalanche accident could be.

“You want me to do this, don’t you?” I say to her, and she is smiling widely at me, her beautiful white teeth sparkling in the setting sun’s light.

We put on our skis, and each instructor to one person, we make our way down the snow hill.