“How do you feel, though?” My best friend asked.

“Good, good. I think this will be good for me.”

“I think so too, babe,” Leila said, and she gave me a sad smile. “I miss you already, though.”

“I miss you too. But we’ll talk every day.”

“I hope so. Don’t forget me now that you’re living the bougie life.”

I chuckled at that. “I won’t.”

When we hung up. I set my phone down on the bed, looking around the bedroom, still in wonder. Then, taking a deep breath, I surmise it was time I met with my employer. I picked up my phone and made my way out of the bedroom, eyes downcast on my screen. I was still staring down at it when I walked into iron wheels tripping over in the process and falling face flat on the floor.

“Bloody hell,” said the voice that did not belong to me, so I turned on my ass to stare up into the most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen. They were not just the most beautiful, they were also the coldest eyes I’d seen and right at that moment, they were glaring at me.

“Who the fuck are you?”

Chapter 6


“Whothefuckareyou?” My voice was a snarl of irritation, although I was anything but irritated as I stared into deep blue eyes. Eyes that were so sad, I wanted to know what put that sadness there. But because I already had an idea who she had to be, I was already irritated with her.

She seemed in shock as she stared at me, her full soft lips parted slightly. I could tell that she'd figured out who I was when she got up on her feet instantly, dusting imaginary dust off her pants. Her hair was a full, lustrous shade of dark brown. It looked even darker against her very pale skin and I could tell she had seen little sun in a while. Her eyes were still trained on me and their effect on me was a little disconcerting.

Standing up to her full feet, I see she was not tall. I place her height, at an average 5’2, or 3 at the most. She’s so skinny, I could see her collarbone, but that did not make her any less beautiful. Fuck, she was beautiful, and I felt a wave of irritation at my reaction toward her.

“Do you speak?” I said to her, in much the same tone, and she snaps back to attention.

“Sorry, I’m sorry… Uhm, I’m Van… sorry, Vanessa Hughes. I am your nurse?” She was rambling, and I felt twisted by how much pleasure it gave me to disconcert her. She said the last part though like it was a question.

“You don’t know if you’re my nurse or not?” I asked, intentionally messing with her.

“Sorry, I am your nurse.” She replied,

Just then, Alba interrupts us and she immediately stood beside her. I was furious when I noticed how protective Alba was of the girl. She had been here barely one hour and Alba seemed to have taken her under her wing.

I don’t pay any attention to the look she gave me and I could tell she wanted me to be nice.

“Mr. Fitzgerald, I see you have already met your news nurse, Van.” Van, meet Mr. Christian Fitzgerald. You're only patient for the next few months.

“Hello, Mr. Fitzgerald. I’m really glad to be here. I look forward to–“

I didn’t let her finish before I press the move button on the chair and walked away. I heard Alba’s sigh of frustration and then her words of comfort to her. The last thing I caught before I closed the door was her telling the nurse that I would come around.

There was zero chance of that happening.

She was different, because she’d somehow got a reaction out of me, and not just any reaction. I was attracted to her.

I picked up on it the moment my eyes dropped to those full lips. I did not know if Ethan had intentionally hired her, thinking that her beauty would make me treat her any better than the others.

It would not.

I did not need some soft-handed nurse cleaning after me when I could do it myself. Most times, I knew my anger was irrational. I was angry at the world and not just at the nurses. They were just doing their jobs, while I was taking out my anger on them like some crybaby bully.

I got out of the chair and onto the toilet seat to do my business. Afterward, I walked past the kitchen and heard Alba talking to the nurse. And then, I could not help it, I paused by the doorway to listen to her talk. Her voice was a little deep, especially given her slight frame.

Deep and rough, like she’d just finished crying. It was crazy that I liked the sound of it even though I had just talked myself out of whatever attraction I might have towards her.