Page 8 of Shattered Oath

Fuck, this is genius.

Think you’re going to get away with this, Solnishko?

Anticipation fills me as my plans start to form.

Aurora doesn’t know what she’s in for.



“Shit,” I mutter as I step beyond the treeline, seeing some of Lev’s men walk by. At first, I think they saw me, but they continue walking by the perimeter as if nothing happened.


Despite the fact that I’m back at Lev’s property, I’m filled with dread. I’m determined not to let this show, though. I sneak up to the building and hold my head high as I walk up to the entrance.

I’m relieved to see that the two thugs guarding the building nod at me and let me pass without questioning.

Did my absence go unnoticed?

Could that be possible?

Not giving myself time to dwell on that, I rush up the stairs and take quick steps to my room. To my relief, I meet no hindrance on the way. By the time I get inside, I’m a mess. I shut the door, then turn to face it, leaning my forehead against the cool surface as I try to catch my breath.

“That wasn’t so bad,” I finally manage to say. Although I’m still shaking, not sure what to make of the fact that the guards just let me pass.

Maybe they don’t know that I’ve left.

I straighten and face the room, then gasp in horror, clapping a hand over my mouth.

The man sitting on my couch staring at me clearly lives up to the name he’s been given:“The Devil”.

His face seems calm at first, but I know he’s burning with rage underneath the surface. His jaw is set in stone and the scar on his forehead flares unnaturally red.

Even without speaking, I can taste his fury in the air.

“Hello, wife,” he says with a tone that makes my blood freeze.

“Lev!” I choke out.

So much for hoping my absence would go unnoticed. What was I even thinking? This is Lev Ivanov; nothing happens around here without him knowing.

Despite my shock, I decide to put on a brave front even though I’m jelly on the inside. I know I owe him an explanation and I hate the fact that I’m about to lie to him, once again.

“I know what you want to say,” I sigh when I can’t bear the suspense any longer.

“You do?” he says, calmly watching me, like a seasoned predator surveying his prey. I turn to fully face him but his expression shows no emotion. It sends goosebumps over my skin. Guilt and shame start to consume me, and yet my body grows taut under the heat of his gaze.

“Please stop this, Lev,” I say when I realize he is messing with my head.

“Stop what, Aurora?” he calmly asks. The way he says my name sends shivers down my spine.

“Okay, I know I should have—,” I start, but he interrupts me.

“Don’t,” he says before he stands. My nipples stand at attention when he swaggers in my direction.

My God!