Page 39 of Shattered Oath


I’m planning my next move when gunshots from outside have several of the men spinning around. The sound of an automatic rifle rings out, and some of them fall to their feet and then collapse on the ground.


The “cavalry” at last!

I know I have to ack quick. Seeing De Luca turn his attention in the direction of the sound, I seize my chance. I go down fast, ducking and rolling toward a tower of barrels nearby. They won’t provide much cover, but at least I’ll be out of the line of sight while I narrow the odds.

My pistol is in my hand with the ease of years of practice and I pick off a handful of Ludis’s traitors before I realize De Luca’s nowhere to be seen. The motherfucker must have sneaked out, but it doesn’t matter. It’s only a matter of time before I find him.

Shots continue to ring out, many of them puncturing the barrels I’m hiding behind. The contents begin to gurgle out and I pick up the scent of oil. It’s slick under foot, and a couple more guys eat lead as they slide around in the muck.

The shots still continue but I know it’s time to move.

Ducking low and dashing quickly through the barrels, I sneak a look into the warehouse. Men are going down even though I’m not firing at them.

Suddenly a door flings open and a stream of light cuts through the room. There’s shouting, more gunfire, and pretty soon the survivors inside have their hands raised. I watch several dip to drop their weapons before sinking to their knees and clasping their fingers behind their heads.

Perfect timing!

“Boss?” I hear Petrov’s voice call out. He’s just beyond the threshold, weapon sweeping the warehouse as he looks for stragglers. Beside him is Sergei, equally alert. Within seconds, more men flood in, disarming the traitors. I close the gap between us, making my way across the room.

“Petrov,” I say as relief washes over me. He’s gaunt, his face battered. Fresh and fading bruises show that he’s probably spent days being beaten. My hand on his shoulder quickly turns into a gruff embrace.

“It was Ludis,” he says as he pulls back. “He took me down with my own men before I even got on the plane to France.” His jaw clenches. “I’m sorry, Boss. They had me in a motherfucking hole. He was working with De Luca. I tried—” I put my hand up to stop him. I have the whole story now.

“It’s ok, Petrov. Didn’t pan out for him. He’s not working with anyone anymore.” I jerk my head toward Ludis’s blood-splattered body. Petrov goes silent for a moment.

“Where’s De Luca now?” He brings his attention back to more pressing threats. “He wouldn’t have gone far,” Petrov says with a grim smile. I nod, though I’m not smiling. Danger still lurks too close for comfort.

“You got here just in time,” I tell him. “A minute more, and you’d be next in line to lead the Bratva.”

“Don’t make jokes like that.” He scowls at me and I realize where my real allies have been all along. “I would have gotten here sooner, but I had to go past the estate to try to bring in more men. Aurora told me about her father’s involvement.”

“You spoke to Aurora?” I ask, suddenly overwhelmed with a need to know she’s okay. What I said to her is beginning to gnaw like an animal caged in my gut.

Petrov nods. “I found her frantic; trying to reach you. If she hadn’t been locked in, she’d probably have been racing to find you all on her own,” he says, shaking his head wryly.

“Thank fuck she didn’t,” I tell him.

“You need to speak to her,” he adds. “She’s out of her mind with worry.”

“Just as soon as we deal with De Luca.” The thought of the man has my blood boiling. “I’ll explain everything to her as soon as we get back.”

And beg for forgiveness. Fuck, I’ve been an ass.

“Might as well get it over with now. She’s outside.”

“She is here?” I ask as I glance around.

“Not my idea.” Petrov’s lips turn down. “She insisted on coming with us. It was all I could do to get her to wait in the car. I knew things could get bloody.”

I’m torn between chewing him out for putting her in such danger, and admiration for the headstrong woman whose taken over my world.

“I should see her,” I say. “Look for De Luca in the meantime.”

“Let’s kill two birds with one stone, shall we?” I third voice rings out.