Page 2 of Shattered Oath

“Please, let me know when Lev is available again,” I tell the guard and turn to leave. I don’t raise my hopes too high though. I’m never told when he’s around. Not that he’s around much.

He leaves early in the morning and comes back late at night. If it wasn’t for the fact that I overheard some guards talking about a meeting where Lev had been present, I would have doubted that he returned home at all.

Just like old times…

Abandonment isn’t new to me. Not having human contact isn’t either. Being alone and ignored is something I’ve grown used to. But somehow, it hurts the most when it’s coming from Lev.

My eyes burn as I fight off feelings of worthlessness. He didn’t even have the decency to check on me after the attack. What could he be doing now? Seeking solace in another’s arms?

Holy shit, Aurora, stop being so damn pathetic!

But my mind has a will of its own. We’re back to where we started. I picture him with gorgeous Bella and feel a sick rage begin to form.

I can’t do this!

I’m left wandering alone in a mansion with no one to talk to. The neglected trophy wife they raised me to be. I take a deep breath then turn away, walking as fast as my legs can carry me to my room.

The tears come in a rush as I shut the door behind me. My heart is aching and there’s no one to turn to. I’ve always been left to my own devices, but right now, I’ve never felt so alone in my life.

Am I alone?

Impulsively, I grab my phone from the dresser and dial my mother. I wait for a while before she answers the call.

“Hello, dear,” I hear her soft voice, and it feels like my burden has suddenly lightened.

“Mom?” I say brokenly. For the first time, I’m allowing myself to imagine her filling the role in my world, and I realize how desperately I’m aching for it. How desperately I’ve always needed a mother to turn to.

“Aurora, what’s wrong?” she says gently. The lump in my throat makes it hard to respond. “Are you okay? What’s going on?” She fires her questions rapidly. The concern in her voice makes it even harder for me to speak. It feels surreal to have a mother who cares about me and shows me affection. “Talk to me, Aurora,” she says, and I snap out of my thoughts.

“It’s just…” I begin but the words get caught in my throat once again.

Do I want to tell her about my situation?

I wouldn’t even know where to start.

There is a long silence while I gather my composure. My mouth is dry and each time I speak, my voice cracks.

“Darling,” she clears her throat. “I may not have spent much time with you, but I can tell something’s going on. You can talk to me.” My heart clenches at the concern I hear in her voice.

I think of the past few days; how I take two steps backward each time I take one step forward. It’s all about Lev. Every interaction with him leaves my world shaken, but now he won’t even give me that. It’s bizarre to think about how hard I fought against becoming his wife, yet now that I’m here, he’s all I can think of.

“It’s…complicated,” I finally choke out.

“Let’s meet,” she suggests. “You could come over, and we can talk about this.”

I freeze at her suggestion. The last time I went out, Lev’s reaction was totally unsettling. Even though he hadn’t truly stopped me, I knew he was not happy about it. He’d sent me with a whole team of guards – and that was before the attack. I’m sure he won’t allow me to leave the house now.

“I don’t think—,” I try to protest, but my mother isn’t having any of it.

“Please don’t say no,” she interrupts me. “I know there’s something going on… A mother knows these things, Aurora. Please let me help you,” she says.

I blink my tears away as I think of my situation here.

God, I feel so alone.

And here is the mother I’ve been secretly aching for all my life, trying so hard to offer me comfort.

“I’ll see what I can do,” I say abruptly. There’s no harm in asking Lev if he’s okay with it. Easier said than done, though. I don’t even know if I can find him or convince him to talk to me. Not to mention that I’m pretty sure he’s not going to be pleased with my request.