Page 18 of Fierce Sinner

Did he just stand up for me?

“Are you okay?” Lev asks suddenly as he walks past a group. I’m taken aback for a moment. It is the last thing I expected him to say.

He’s not furious with me for embarrassing him?

I seriously have no clue what to expect from this man anymore. He’s so damn unpredictable…especially these past few hours. Those moments of tenderness last night, then the fury, then the diamond necklace and the gentleness with which he fastened my shoes. Now he’s just defended me against my fucked up family.

I don’t get it.

“Solnishko,” he says, and I keep my eyes on him as he leads me farther from our table. “I asked if you were okay?” he repeats, and I mindlessly nod in response. “Good. I want you to meet some people,” he says casually, like the past few minutes never happened. I can’t forget it, though. No one has ever stood up for me the way he did.

Stop fawning, you idiot!

I can’t let myself get all weak in the knees just because he stood up for me. He’s no knight in shining armor, that’s for sure. I must stop trying to see him that way! But despite my best intentions, doubt starts creeping into my mind.

Have I been wrong about him?

We stop in front of two men, and I recognize the older one as the one speaking on stage earlier. The pair looks our way as we approach. The younger one’s eyes linger on me for a little too long.

“Lev,” the older man says.

“Leonardo,” Lev says with a nod, before turning to the other man, who’s still eyeing me out. “Alonso.” He gives a curt nod in greeting. I detect a tightness in Lev’s voice as he says the other man’s name, but it could be my imagination.

“And who is this beauty?” the one called Alonso says with a smirk. I shift uncomfortably as his eyes drop too low.

“Haven’t you heard? She’s Fernando De Luca’s daughter,” Leonardo says. Alonso’s eyes widen for a fraction before he smirks at me.

“De Luca’s daughter? Interesting.” Alonso licks his lips.

“She’s an Ivanova now,” Lev calmly announces, though as he draws me closer, I can feel tension in him that I’m beginning to recognize as anger. “I’d like to introduce my wife, Aurora.”

“Gentlemen,” I say, swallowing a tightness in my throat as I extend a hand, which Leonardo takes in his own. Beside him, Alonso glances at me first, then Lev, seeming to be mulling this over.

“The rumors are true, then. Congratulations,” Leonardo says with a smile.

“Thank you,” Lev replies.

“If you’ll excuse me. Perhaps, we can talk business some other time,” Alonso says and turns to leave. I don’t realize I’m holding my breath until I release it. I sense Lev relax too. Whatever offense I may have felt at him not introducing himself to me is overshadowed by the fact that I’m glad he’s gone.

“I must say, I didn’t expect Fernando to have such a beautiful daughter. You are one lucky son-of-a-bitch,” Leonardo grins, and Lev nods in response.

“That I am,” he says to my surprise, draping an arm around my waist.

“Your name suits you,” Leonardo turns to me. I gradually start to relax around Leonardo. Although he’s openly flattering, he doesn’t give me the creeps Alonso did.

Lev and Leonardo talk for a few minutes before I’m led to another group and the introductions start all over again. While some of the men make me slightly uncomfortable, the others seem either guarded or openly curious, but one thing remains constant – Lev’s possessive hands on me. It’s like he is sending a message to everyone that I am with him. And it’s like they know not to mess with Lev Ivanov. For the first time in weeks, I’m starting to feel relaxed around him. But unfortunately, my sense of ease doesn’t last too long.

We’re leaving yet another group when a voice filters through the chatter around us.

"Well, if it isn’t the Devil himself,” the voice rings out, and I turn to see a svelte blonde sweeping toward us. Classically gorgeous, with flawless skin and cascading platinum curls, she’s beautiful enough to be a model. Lev goes tense for a moment as she stops in our path, then he answers her smile with his own.

“Bella,” he says, and I find myself bristling. His voice seems too husky and sensual. She beams as she draws closer and then leans in to slide her arms around his waist.

My annoyance starts to ramp up when Lev returns her embrace. I take little comfort in the fact that he keeps it brief.

This woman had her fucking hands on my husband!

“I didn't think you were going to make it to the party this year,” she says, completely ignoring me.