Page 4 of Fierce Sinner

I hit the ignition, spin the Ferrari back onto the road, and speed toward the estate. Ludis calls before I make it to the gates.

“Boss, we’re waiting for you in the security room,” he says. “We’ve got something.”



I can’t stop the tears as they flow freely down my cheeks.

I don’t know where I am, but I am past caring. All I want is to get away…as far as possible from everything.

I was numb as I stumbled onto the small dirt path into the grove of trees near the house. Barely aware of the brambles that had snagged my hair and hooked into the fabric of the sweats I’d pulled on before scrambling out of the bedroom window.

Then the tears started. And they won’t fucking stop. I angrily dash them away with the back of my hand. The movement makes me flinch as it opens up the gash I’d made in my palm when I’d pried open the security bars before squeezing out of the bedroom window. It was a stupid thing to do, but I wasn’t thinking clearly at the time, still reeling from what Lev had said. Frankly, I haven’t been thinking clearly for a while… wandering aimlessly through the woods. I don’t know where I am, but I know I’m still within Lev’s estate.

My prison.

Just another prison they put me in.

Don’t I deserve a normal life?

One where I mean something to someone?

I wish I could just disappear from all this. If only it was as easy as it seems.

“The sex is meaningless,”he’d said.“I’ll get it elsewhere when I’m done with you.”My initial fears are all turning into reality. I imagined Lev discarding me after having his fill of me but hearing him admit it just makes it hurt harder. I should have just listened to my gut about him.

Ivory fucking tower.

He’s going to lock me away… It will be a gilded cage, I’m sure of that. Just as it was before, in the care of my aunt. Nothing will change. I’ll be just as alone. Just as trapped.

I think of the mother I lost, and wonder if this was how she felt under my father’s rule.

Is this why she disappeared all those years ago?

God, how I wish she’d still be around. Maybe she could help me face all of this. Maybe she could explain how to heal my shattered heart.

Isn’t that what mothers are for?

I don’t know how long I’ve walked before collapsing against the nearest tree. I shut my eyes, pressing my fingertips against my throbbing eyelids. I can’t believe what my life has become. I’d always known things would be different for me. But still, I’d hoped there’s be some chance of a normal world. Friends. Maybe a family. People who cared about me.

Is that too much to ask for?

Then, Lev happened. And everything came crashing down.

“You only have yourself to blame,” I curse myself. If only I’d kept my distance like I decided to. Not let myself be affected by him.

Not let last night happen…

Just thinking about it makes something coil in the pit of my belly.

“Damn you!” I curse Lev as I remember how I’d burned at his touch. His heated kisses. The whispered words in my ears I could never translate, but somehow understood.

It means nothing!

You don’t need to care about him!

The question is, how I will ever do that? Lev clearly messes with my head. One minute he acts caring, and the next, he acts like the name he’s been given.