Page 24 of Fierce Sinner

Then, another thought occurs to me, that has my anger spiking.

“If you think I’m going to offer you the same privilege, you have another thing coming. You’re mine,” I tell her.

“I don’t belong to anyone,” she snaps, and I almost curse that we are back to this. It’s pointless fighting what’s between us. Why can’t she see that?

I’m about to tell her this when I notice a movement behind me and turn to find Ludis. Aurora seizes the opportunity to escape into her room.


There’s no fucking escape from this.

“What is it,” I snap in annoyance asLudis walks up to me.

“We have a problem,” Ludis says, and I become tense.

“There has been an assault on one of our teams,” Ludis announces, and my fists clench.

“Who?” I ask.

“We don’t know yet,” Ludis says, which infuriates me further.

“When?” I ask.

“About three hours ago,” he says.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Why didn’t you tell me immediately?”

“We couldn’t reach you, Boss. The men weren’t permitted past the security perimeter at Dinara’s, and you weren’t answering your phone.”

I have to give him that much. I guess I allowed myself to get preoccupied.


Just another one of Aurora’s effects on me.

“Fill me in,” I say to Ludis, then listen as he provides the details, which are sketchy. My mind races as I listen. Three hours ago, the party was in full swing. All the heads of the mafia organizations were present. It doesn’t make sense to be attacked during that time.

On the other hand, the bastard responsible for this probably thought the same thing. That would explain why they chose to attack at that moment.

“I want more information,” I say calmly. “There must have been word of this on the street.”

“I’m on it,” Ludis says, watching me cautiously as I linger at my door, fists clenching and unclenching. Somehow, I believe that all the shit that’s been happening lately is interconnected, but I can’t put my finger on the common thread.


Heads are going to roll.

“I don’t just want information. I want answers,” I say, and Ludis pauses before he leaves. “This isn’t just an isolated attack, Ludis,” I add. “Someone is undermining our organization. There are too many connected incidents for this to be a coincidence. Too much of our information is still getting out.”

“Our team is tight, Boss,” he says. “We handpicked every man. The ties run deep.”

I remain silent as I mull this over. The incident with Garret should have taught us both that betrayal invariably comes from those close to you.

“We can’t let our guard down,” I tell him. “Start looking for those answers. And start looking close.”

I can feel his eyes on me as I head to my room. Whoever is at the bottom of this is going to pay.