“Everything is perfect, successful, and happy,” I say. “And I can’t even imagine a better way for our story to have played out.”

“Even though we had to go through all the crap that we went through?” he asks. “Would you do it all again?”

I stop to give his question the proper thought that it deserves before answering him. It was alotof crap that we went through—both of us. But I wouldn’t change any of it if it meant not having what we have now.

“Yeah,” I say with certainty. “I would. How about you?”

Hunter looks at me with more love in his eyes than I could ever ask for.

“I would give up every dollar I have and go through every ordeal that I did, just to be standing here with you right now and to have you as my wife and to have our beautiful children as a family,” he answers. “The only thing that I might have changed is how long it took us to get here. All those years that we weren’t together, I wish that we had them back.”

“I don’t,” I say to his surprise.

“Oh?” he says with a nervous laugh. “Are you sick of me already?”

“No, of course not,” I laugh. “But maybe we needed to go through all of that in order to reach a place where we weresocertain of our love for each other that we could be likethis—inseparable and untouchable.”

“I like that,” Hunter smiles. “I agree.”

He tugs gently at my towel until it comes loose and falls to the ground.

“There’s no one else here,” he says softly as he kisses the side of my neck. “This entire place is ours for a couple of hours. We should make the best use of it that we can.”

I know exactly what he’s implying in this intimate moment within this private bath, and I can’t imagine anything in the world that I could possibly want more right now.

Hunter loses his towel too and we both step into the hot bath. The water soaks into my skin and instantly relaxes every muscle in my body. Hunter kisses the side of my face, then bends down and kisses the top of my breasts just breaking through the surface of the water.

“I’m sorry though, Tabitha,” he says as he comes back up to trace his tongue at my lips. “It took me long enough to be able to give you all of this. We should have stayed together right from the very beginning.”

I kiss him back, winding my tongue around his and feeling his swelling desire press against my pelvis beneath the water. I drag my tongue against his and pull it into my mouth. Then, I lean back just slightly enough to look him in the eyes as I wrap my hand around the back of his head.

“Don’t be sorry,” I smile. “Don’t you see that none of that matters anymore? I used to think that it did, and that time spent unhappy was time wasted. But I’ve come to learn something.”

“Oh? What is it?”

“That sometimes the time it takes to get what you want and to be where you want isn’t time spent waiting at all. Its time spent preparing your heart and mind so that it recognizes what really matters once you finally have it. Now, we have each other, and Teddie and Emily, and a wonderful nanny, and two careers that we love. We get to be here in this beautiful place together and think about all of the things yet to come.”

“What made you so deep and introspective?” he teases.

“I guess losing myself and then finding myself again,” I answer honestly.

“You were never lost, Tabitha,” Hunter says. “You were just waiting for me to catch up to you. And now that we’re both here, it’s nothing but new beginnings and happy endings ahead.”

“I love you,” I whisper into his mouth as he kisses me again.

I close my eyes and let myself fall right into the happy ending of my daydreams, complete with Hunter’s body pressing into mine amidst the fragrant steam and delicate hue of the Japanese bathhouse as everything else around us melts away and nothing but my fairytale ending is left to enjoy.



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