Biting my lip, I log into my management account and run a search for Carly’s file, praying that it hasn’t already been removed from the company’s database. Once I find it, I open it up then glance at the lobby to make sure no one is coming my way. When I see that the coast is clear I quickly hit print and the printer on my desk shoots out her resume, along with her application. Snatching it out of the plastic tray, I fold it in half then tuck it away in my bag before I start to shut down my computer. My hope is that I can somehow use the information Carly had to break into her e-mail account and gain access to her dating profile then share Matthew’s information with Miles and Tucker.

After the screen of my desktop goes black, I pick up my bag and head to the door, shutting off the light before I leave my office. Seeing everyone waiting in the sitting area for me to let them out, my stomach clenches. Today was a long, difficult day for everyone and I’m sure even the customers could feel the weight of the black cloud hanging over all of us.

“Everyone ready?” I ask, taking out my key from my pocket as I walk to the door to let everyone out.

“We’ve been ready,” Troy gripes as he gets up from his seat.

“Don’t be a dick, Troy,” Indigo hisses at him as she gets up, tossing her long braids over her shoulder.

“Don’t call me a dick.”

“Don’t act like one,” Becca rolls her eyes at him.

I see a few heads nod in agreement.

“Troy.” I step between him and Becca when it looks like he’s going to say something more. “It’s been a long day. Let’s all just go home and relax.”

“Whatever, just open the door.” He glares at me, and I let out a long breath and remind myself that emotions are running high and that everyone deals with difficult situations differently. Who am I kidding? Troy is always a jerk.

Turning, I open the door and feel a sense of ease when I see Clay standing next to his jeep with his hip leaning against his door and his arms crossed over his chest.

“Who’s is that?” Indigo whispers as she walks out through the door, I’m now holding open.

“He’s mine,” I tell her, and she smirks at me.

“You go, girl.”

“Thanks.” I laugh then say goodbye to everyone else as they file out. Once the bank is clear I step back inside, set the alarm system then walk back out as it begins to beep. When I turn from locking the door, Clay is standing on the sidewalk between me and his jeep and my feet take me to him before I even know what I’m doing. As his arms wrap around me, my muscles relax, and I swear my soul sighs in happiness.

“You okay?” he asks as his lips touch the top of my head.

“Better now.” I tip my head back and look into his eyes.

“Long day?”

“Very.” I nod and he bends down brushing his lips across mine.

“Sorry, baby.” He takes my hand and leads me to the passenger door. “After you meet with the sketch artist you can relax for the rest of the night.”

“I hope so.” I climb into my seat, and he reaches across me and pulls out a familiar white cup and hands it to me. “What’s this?”

“Hot cocoa.”

He steps back slamming the door while my heart trips all over itself inside my chest.

Chapter 14


“ALL RIGHT, HERE’S what we’ve got.” Johnny, the sketch artist I’ve been working with for the last two hours says while turning the paper note pad in his hands around to face me. I stare at the image of a man who looks familiar but also not, and twist my hands in my lap. He looks like he could be anyone, or no one. “Do you see anything else you want to add or anything you think I should change?”

“I don’t know.” I close my eyes and drop my face into my hands as I try to remember Matthew’s face. I wish that night wasn’t so blurry, that everything didn’t seem to be shrouded in a thick layer of smoke, but that’s what it’s like every time I try to recall anything from my time with Carly at that bar.

Hearing a knock, I lift my head, then a second later the door is opened behind me, and I turn around.

“Dad,” I gasp, jumping to my feet before I rush across the short distance between us. “What are you doing here?”

“I got your text when we hit Juneau and I caught the first flight I could back here.” He wraps his arms around me, and tears start to fill my eyes.

“You didn’t have to do that.”