“Was she—”

“I don’t want to tell you ‘yes’ before that information has been confirmed.” He cuts her off.

We both know she’s asking if her friend was murdered. And since his message to me told me how she was found, it’s easy to assume that she was murdered. Not many people go diving into that lake fully clothed in the midst of fall with cinderblocks tied around themselves. “We would like to ask you a little more about the man she was seeing, and if you could talk to a sketch artist and give him a description.”

“I can, yes, but his photo was on the dating app I told you guys about.”

“We’ve not been able to find him on there.” Tucker chimes in then adds. “And it might take a little while to get a warrant for the app company, and until then they won’t hand us over any of Carly’s profile information.”

“What about his job? He said he dealt in shipping expensive things around the world, that doesn’t sound like a normal job, could you find him with that?”

“We’re looking into that.” Miles assures.

“Is there a reason why you’re trying to avoid sitting down with a sketch artist?” Tucker asks.

Willow stiffens, while I come out of my relaxed position.

“I’m just asking.” Tucker holds up both his hands. “If you’re unsure or nervous.”

“I’m not, I just don’t know how good of a job I’ll do.” She rubs her forehead. “I remember him, but I also don’t, that night is blurry and so is he.”

“You mentioned that your roommate had been with you the night you met him,” Miles says.

She sits forward, placing her glass on the table. “Leah, yeah, she was, but she’s out of town right now. She’ll be back in a few days. She might do a better job than me.”

“When she gets back, we’ll want to speak to her, but in the meantime don’t talk about this guy with her. I’d like the two of you to each go into your meeting with the sketch artist with your memory of what he looked like if that makes sense.”

“Okay.” She agrees then asks softly, “Should I find out who Carly used as an emergency contact at work and try to get in touch with them?”

“We’ll take care of that,” Tucker tells her.

She nods.

Tucker’s gaze moves to Miles. “Can you think of anything else right now?”

“No.” Miles pushes up to stand. “We’ll get out of your hair and let you get some rest.”

“Thank you both.” Willow stands, wrapping her arms around her middle. “For believing me.”

“We just wish we could have had a different outcome,” Miles tells her gently.

“Me too.” She lets out a breath.

She leans into me, and I wrap my arm around her waist as they both tell her goodbye.

As they start toward the door, I squeeze her hip and she tips her head back to meet my gaze. “I’m going to step out with them for a couple minutes, you gonna be okay?”

“Yeah, I think I’m just going to get into the shower.”

“All right.” I bend and brush my lips over hers. “Be right back.” I follow my brothers out the door and as soon as I close it behind me, I prowl toward Tucker, and he starts to back up.

“Clay.” Miles steps between us and I shake my head keeping my eyes locked on Tucker’s.

“Did he tell you he went to Willow?” I ask Miles without looking at him.

“What the fuck, Tuck?” he asks, looking over his shoulder.

“She seems like a nice girl, you don’t—”

“And fuck if I deserve her, right?” I cut him off as I push my chest against Miles, while he tries to hold me back. “Someone good, something good.”

“You don’t care about her.” He shakes his head. “You don’t give a fuck about anyone but yourself.”

In a flash before I even know what I’m doing, the space between us is closed, I have my hand wrapped around his neck and am shoving him against the wall. “You don’t know shit.”

“Clay.” Miles grasps my wrist.

“Stay the fuck away from her.” I let him go and step back.

“Like you stayed away from Naomi?” he asks when I turn my back on him and start to walk back down the hall.

I don’t even bother turning around to respond. It’s obvious he’s set on blaming me for his failing marriage and there isn’t shit I can do about that.

“You know that’s fucked up,” I hear Miles tell him.

My eyes land on Willow standing in my doorway looking concerned. When her face softens as our eyes lock, I know Tucker’s right, I don’t deserve her, not even a little but I’m still not fucking letting her go.

Chapter 13


WITH SKYE’S LONG body resting on the bed in front of me I run my fingers through her soft fur and stare out the window, watching the rain fall in thick sheets while lightning flashes sporadically through the grey cloud-covered, early morning sky.