“You can’t control everything, Carlo. Bad things happen. Just don’t leave me again.”

One corner of his mouth kicks up then falls back into place as he sobers. “Never,” he says fiercely. “Not even if your dad kills me for it.”

As if conjured by his words, my dad throws open the door like he owns the place and casts a grim look at the mayhem before landing on us.


“Are you okay, baby?” Al asks Summer.

She leans her head on my shoulder as if to prove we’re one unit and nods. “I’m fine. Carlo gave me some ibuprofen.”

Don Alberto arches a disbelieving brow.

Honestly, I’m surprised how smoothly Summer took all this, as well, but my girl seems far less traumatized by her kidnapping than she was by our breakup. She’s stronger than any Made man. Stronger than steel because she’s held together by love and kindness. Because she’s flexible and she flows.

“I would prefer we didn’t tell your mother about this,” Al says, proving there’s someone he has to bend for, as well.

“Yeah. Probably a good idea to keep it from her,” Summer agrees.

Apparently satisfied, Al pins me with a glower.

He was pissed at me to begin with, and now I’m responsible for his daughter getting kidnapped. I’ll be lucky if he doesn’t march me out to the woods and make me dig my own grave.

He isn’t holding a gun at the moment, though, so we’re probably okay. I’d gladly take as many punches as he wants to throw and all his piss and vinegar in exchange for the right to hold his daughter.

Al takes in our position with narrowed eyes. “I see you two worked out your differences?”

When I nod, he tips his head toward the door to my balcony. “I need a word with you alone.”

Summer stiffens. “Is it about me?”

“It’s between me and Carlo.” Al edges his voice with authority.

“If it’s about me, then I’m going to be there.” She swings her legs off my lap and thrusts her chin forward.

“Summer. It’s okay, bambina.” I drop a kiss on her forehead before I stand then follow Al out onto the balcony and shut the door.

Al folds his arms across his chest. “You’re going to marry her.”

“Damn straight I am.” It’s not like she’s pregnant, and we aren’t in the 1950’s, but I get it. The underboss screwing the don’s daughter is disrespectful, to say the least. Al needs to know my intentions are pure.

Al turns to look at my view, pulling out two cigars and trimming them. Handing one to me, he lights his and passes the lighter. I take it, my face composed into a blank mask.

Al chews on the end of his and contemplates me.

“I’ve trusted you. Thought I knew you. I know your weaknesses, which are also your strengths.”

I wait to see where he’s going with this.

“I see the way you look over your shoulder at the other men, never trusting anyone but me. Maybe Joey, now that he’s not a threat. Even if my Zia Maria didn’t tell me why you had to come to America, I would’ve known you carried baggage related to trusting those closest to you.

“But this thing with Summer” He shakes his head. “I missed it. But I suppose I was blind. Carmen said she’s always known you had a thing for her.”

I light my cigar and puff.

“That true?”

“That I’ve always had a thing for her? Si.”

“Because she’s my daughter or because of Summer?”

I know what he’s asking me. Whether this is a political move or one of the heart.

“Because of Summer.”

He nods, chomping on his cigar. Looking out at the street below. “Yeah, you would’ve done it right if your heart wasn’t involved. You usually have a clear head with what’s required in a situation.”

Regret washes over me. Al’s given me everything I have in this world right now. He’s the last person I wanted to offend. “I’m sorry I fucked it up. I didn’t mean to disrespect you. It happened sort of quickly, and then I couldn’t take a step back.”

Al says nothing for a long moment. I have no idea what’s in the guy’s head. He still may be contemplating my death or deportation for all I know.

“I wouldn’t have picked you for her.”

“I know.”

Al waits, as if to see if I have anything to say for myself.

Picking up the cue, I spread my hands. “I told you before, I’m not fucking with Summer. I will honor her and treat her like a princess until the day I die. I won’t cheat. I won’t let her down. You can count on me to take care of her and give her everything I have.”

Al finally swivels his head and pins me with a hard gaze. “You ever plan on moving back to Sicily?”

I don’t hesitate. “You know I don’t.”

He nods like he’s satisfied with that answer. He doesn’t want me taking his baby away from his family.