‘It’s not. There’s nothing more about me left to unveil. I’m exactly how you see me. I’m everything and nothing, emperor and slave. There isn’t anything perfect hiding inside, just something perfectly broken.’ I was so scared that I managed to lose myself amongst the broken pieces that belonged to my life. All I had was a newly developed obsession for her and my memories... until the day she will also become just a memory.
Still, brave Bea considered she could handle my madness, ‘I understand. I won’t try to fix you. But I do want my Don Juan back. I was getting into the atmosphere.’ Her arms stretched to wrap around me, closing in for a kiss.
I was starting to believe it was the nudge I needed to snap out of my melancholy, ‘Mmmm. I kinda hoped you would say that.’ I beganmy snapping out from melancholyby removing her shirt. ‘Can I have this dance, Miss?’
‘And you couldn’t ask me while I still had the shirt on?’
‘It was getting in my way. These too.’ I unfastened her belt and pushed her pants down... Well, technically those were my pants.
‘I feel I’m at a disadvantage since you still have your clothes on,’ she responded between hitched breaths.
‘That’s because you are.’ Without giving her a chance to figure things out, I snatched her from the ground and lifted her to my waistline, still keeping my lips fused with hers.
We weren’t kissing, we were creating magic, dancing between the candlelight with last hopes that we could write our own destiny in the stars. I felt normal for a tiny moment of beautiful peace. So normal that I dared to hope we could ever have a future together.
Still, there was something telling me that I should cherish those seconds. My moments of joy were numbered, and I need to take complete advantage of them.
‘Don’t go anywhere,’ I laid her on the bed,then walked to the minibar to get a couple of glasses of champagne and one of whiskey.
Bea seemed confused about me mixing the liquors, but I didn’t really like champagne. I just need it for a toast. ‘For the first evening in a long time that I feel free.’ Our glasses clinked to the truth of my words — a moment of freedom.
With painfully slow movements she hauled the shirt over my head and I suddenly got the feeling that I was released from the greatest burden.
My hands became fire.
My lips became fire.
I needed to taste the sweetness of her skin melting on my tongue. I wanted to learn everything she meant, each suave curve, each crawl of her skin as my lips roamed her body.
But most of all, I want to discover her biggest weaknesses to use them to my advantage. And I was lucky enough to have found her Achile’s heel as soon as I descended below her breasts, heading towards her abdomen. I could feel the slow shivering of her breath as I was closing in to the center of her navel, insisting on the spot that made her toes curl with pleasure.
She was grinding through sheets, preparing for the realpleasure, even though the one I was providing was already testing out her limits. But I wanted something more, to spice things up and make it into a memory she won’t forget. And I had carried out the preparations to do that.
I picked up a lit candle from the floor, and brought it on top of her body, making her panic at the sight. ‘Ferris!?’
‘Relax. This one doesn’t burn. It’s a massage candle.’ I was letting her know that it was okay, although I wasn’t sure she fully believed me.
Cupping the size of one of her luscious breasts, I let a few drops of hot wax tumble on her skin, ‘Trust me.’
I knew the sensation myself. Indeed, it was hot but very bearable. And I was about to unravel her in a combination of senses that would leave her breathless.
Taking a sip from my glass of whiskey, I made sure to pick up a small ice cube in my mouth and then join my lips to the path of melted wax that I just left on her abdomen.
I immediately recognized the impact I washaving on her. Those curling toes, the muttered cries coming from her lips, all leading to only one destination — ecstasy.
There was a part of her body I desperately need to test, so without letting any time go to waste, I removed her bra, bringing the candle to leak a few drops against the sensitive skin that I had just revealed. Her nostrils flared as she was fighting off the small stings of pain. So perfectly aroused that I couldn’t help myself from wanting to ease her anguish and spike up the turmoil between her thighs.
My cold tongue followed the path of the melted wax again, biting on the perkiness of her nipple, forcing her feet to glue themselves in faded attempts to withstand me.
She should have known better than that. There was nothing standing in my way.
My hand pushed her thighs open, slipping inside her panties and beginning a ravishing assault on her core. My mouth was still there, savoring her breasts and the waves of sensitive warmth my candles were provoking.
I was driving her mad. Maybe as mad as I was, ruling over her senses as she was falling victim to a new type of ownership. There was a special pleasure I was creating. One she couldn’t find anywhere else. Not with Brax or Cole. Only in the darkness of my chamber.
I was slowly becoming her drug, equaling the balance since she has been mine for a while now.
Her moans were fueling my own arousal along with my ego. I wanted to go on but therealneed of her was asking me to stop.