Page 89 of The Book of Kings

Pulling my boxers back up, I went to pour myself a glass of wine. I was somewhat under the impression that it would do the trick and calm me down, but it had only revived the wicked plans that had been dancing in my mind all day.

‘I have a present for you,’ I said as I had just remembered ordering a little something for her. The courier just dropped it off before she got in and if I had second thoughts about using it, the perfect opportunity had just arrived.

‘What’s that?’ Her voice trembled, looking at the small black box that I was holding.

No engagement ring... maybe more like another type of engagement, a physical one. ‘Something that will help you understand who’s who.’

The box held a small pink vibrator for which I was certain I would find a use for that night.

I wasn’t going to waste too much time and risk her gettingcold.

‘What are you doing?’ She quivered as I approached her.

‘You ask too many questions.’ I couldn’t hold back a diabolical smirk, knowing thesurpriseI was going to offer her. I drove towards her for a kiss, but reconsidered it, as her frightened breath breezing on my lips was so much sweeter.

My hand raced to her still-dampened core, slipping a finger inside along with the pink object of pleasure, ‘I want you to know how it feels to be without me.’

I needed her to miss me, even though I would still be there.

I needed her to need me.

Stealing a last kiss, I left her on the bed so I could return to the couch. The toy was still inside of her and I was the one holding thekeysto the kingdom.

‘Can you believe that they made these things Wi-Fi controlled?’ I was musing to myself as I was searching for the app that controlled the vibrator.

‘What’sthis?’ The fact that she was asking that question made things that much better.

‘Give me a sec.’ The app wasn’t downloaded yet, but after just a few more seconds I was able to say, ‘Done.’

My gaze turned towards her, just in time to notice how she was arched into the bed, light-struck by the promise of pleasure. After all, it was a device of many uses and I was to keep it around... just for fun.

Despite my efforts, she didn’t seem to get thefunpart, more on the opposite, ‘Why are you doing this? I told you that I didn’twantto sleep with Brax. I had to!’

‘Do you think that I’m mad or jealous because you slept with Brax?’ Indeed, I wanted to surpass Brax when it came to the list of her heart, maybe I was a little jealous too. But what I felt was lust. She was good enough for us and that made me want her even more.

‘You’re not!?’ She still didn’t get the reason for my indignation.Thatwas causing my anger.

I needed another drink, but as Dionysius’ liquor poured down my throat, I realized that I needed something more. I was finding Bea having a negative effect on my mood, raising a dangerous hurricane inside my mind. I needed the pills I dreaded so much taking, but I was already walking on a thin line and I was becoming concerned that I was going to hurt her.

Without waiting any longer, I rushed to the bathroom cabinet to search for my medicine. I didn’t even realize how serious my condition had gotten. That was until a tub of pills slipped through my trembling fingers and hit the sink. The sharp sound made me take a proper look at my hands. They held an uncontrollable tremor. It was just a matter of time before I would be falling apart without even realizing it.

I had to remain separated from her, at least until my medicine kicked in, so as soon as I returned to the room, I poured myself yet another glass of wine and found a place on the couch.

I wished I could say I was enjoying the show. At least that was my initial intention when I bought the toy, but my internal demons were interfering with any kind of satisfaction I might have gotten out of it.

However, I didn’t want her to know that, and after noticing that she wasn’t enjoying herself either, I decided to make things a little more interesting, accessing the app and increasing the level of vibrations, ‘Just to spice things up a little.’

She didn’t seem too excited about my attempt at pleasing her. On the contrary, she was asking me for explanations, ‘Why are you acting like this if not because of Brax?’

‘I didn’t say it’s not because of Brax. I told you it’s not because you slept with him. At least not entirely. You see, we weren’t saints, and I never minded sharing with Brax, or with Cole from the time he came along.’


‘Yes, sharing. Everything and anything. Clothes, cars, and of course the women that went through our beds.’ And apparently, she wouldn’t be an exception.

‘You were sleeping with each other’s girlfriends!?’ I could hear the consternation in her voice. But girlfriends... really!? What on Earth ever made her think either of us needed girlfriends?

‘Not exactly girlfriends. I don’t recall either of us ever having a girlfriend.’ The concept was making me laugh. At least she was managing to take me out of my desolating state. ‘They were in it for the fun, not for marriage and children. And the ones I decided were worthy of the time, I suggested to Brax, and the other way around. Brax and I were as one. We knew each other ever since I can remember, to the point we were under the impression that we shared the same crib at the maternity. Cole came around a little later, but we recognized him on spot as being the link in the chain we were missing. That’s why he took on the title. He was the only one worthy of carrying it further.’