Page 85 of The Book of Kings

I knew she was close. So close that just a few words were needed to push her over the edge. ‘It’s my hand, Bea.’ I need her to imagine she was falling into the same fantasy I was in, as her body was shaking with the waves of pleasure crashing within every cell of her core.

‘I’m starting to think that the phone was the best gift I could ever get you. Pretty tough to outshine this one. But I’ll try.’ I smiled knowing exactly how good it felt to put one more inhibition aside.

‘I never want to speak to you again.’ Her voice was full of anger. No use though, I knew it was just a sort of mask to cover her embarrassment. She still had a lot to learn.

‘You say that now, but wait ‘till I get my hands on you.’

‘Goodbye, Ferris.’ She hung up the phone at the sound of my laughter. So sweet when so mad. The first woman that ever threw a fit at me for making her come.

Too bad I wasn’t in town for the day, or else I would have gone to her apartment and seen how manyfitsshe could throw by the morning.

Fortunately, the day wasn’t wasted. At least, I managed to solve what I traveled there to achieve.

Despite her decision ofnever speaking to me again, the invitation to her apartment did come... not that I needed an invitation to go there in the first place.

I was just surprised that she read my mind and asked me to visit her, and even more surprised by what I found there. No sexy underwear or a candlelight romance, more like a business meeting. Funny, I thought my business with her would always lead us to the bedroom. Apparently, this time around, I was to meet someone... someone that I already knew — my best friend,Brax.

If I was the one shocking her before, the shock was definitely on me this time around as I could barely understand what was he doing in the same room as her. Not that I got too much time to ask questions before my other friend,Cole,came into the room.

At first, I wasn’t sure what to believe.

Was that an intervention?

Had I fucked up something so bad without even knowing it? After all, Brax was the one who had me committed after my parent’s death. Not that I ever blamed him. I would probably have done the same for him, although I refused to see him ever since.

The truth about our reunion soon came to light. It seemed fate was playing a trick on me once again, since both he and Cole were Bea’s other twocommitments. And if she could have kept Cole on the bench, as she did with me, there was no chance in hell it would have worked with Brax. I knew him better than anyone else and his deal couldn’t involve anything else but sex. He wasn’t one to play around, and at that moment I was beginning to feel sorry I hadn’t followed along his path.

It wasn’t so much the thought that she slept with him that was bothering me. It was more that I didn’t have primacy with my own deal. I should have been the one having her first, completing the circle we had already created and bonding her to me in every way I could.

It wasn’t about sharing. I used to shareeverythingwith them. And I do meaneverything.

It was about my right to have her. She would never mean to Brax what she meant to me.

The rest of the discussion became a blur. Bea was going on and on about some plan of saving the city, while I had to admit, the selfish me couldn’t even save himself.

I pretended to be listening, maybe contributing to some conversations. But in reality, I was far away. All I got out of the meeting was that the Annelids would be enslaved by the Elite if we wouldn’t stop them.

Why would I even care? I was no Annelid. I was top of the Elite.

But Bea cared, and that made my involvement that more important. She needed financial backing. Without my support, her plan couldn’t have passed stage one.

Together with Cole and Brax, I promised to give her an answer in three days, although I was under the impression I would need somespecial convincingto accept her proposal. After all, I already had some advantages as a result of our initial deal. If she wanted me to enhance my implication, then so should she.

I didn’t mention my thoughts to everyone else present. But didn’t want to remain there and discuss things with Bea after they left, even though she invited me to spend time with her and her family.

I wasn’t ok... far from it.

My mind was blurred with all kinds of murky thoughts, and a strange type of jealousy was roaming my heart. I had lost one of our bonds and it was leaving me with the matter ofbuilding new onesordestroying the ones left.

I had time to decide. At least until nightfall when I invited her to my estate.

Chapter 20

Iwished I could say I had a quiet afternoon, but the demons ruling my world were wide awake. I could hear their voices whispering, asking me for revenge, fueling me with the urge to prove myself. She needed me more than she needed Brax or Cole, and even if I was forced to choose the hard way, I was going to make her realize our connection.

I had no idea where the time went. But before I realized it, it was night and someone was knocking on the door. ‘Can I come in?’

For a second I was confused about who it could be. Yet as soon as I opened the door, I found Bea standing right in front of me. ‘Now you’re knocking. When did we go from almost ripping each other’s clothes to knocking!?’ The fact that she knocked was leaving me with a bitter taste. Maybe I was wrong and myconnectionwith her was only a sick trick of my imagination.