Page 75 of The Book of Kings

It must have been my lucky day.

‘You won’t ever have to.’ I meant those words, as much as I meant I would care for her.

‘But I still have other arrangements I have to fulfill... at least for a while.’ Theotherarrangementspart bothered me, but I had a feeling that debating the subject would lead to her walking back through the door.

‘I understand,’ I tried hiding the flickers of anger brewing inside of me. It was all she had to give me. And I did want to take everything I could from her. ‘So, I should take this as ayesto my offer.’

‘Yes, it’s ayes.’ Even though I knew the answer, hearing it still brought me ease.

‘But we’re keeping the condition.’ She continued... well,this part wasn’t bringing me any ease.

‘Ok. I’ll have Alfred take you to the new apartment tomorrow.’ I didn’t have anything ready since I didn’t think she would return, but I was sure I could improvise.

‘To the new apartment!?’ She seemed confused.

Did she ever think that I was going to let her remain in the Pit???

‘It’s at the base of the Hills, but I’ll ask him if we have anything closer.’

‘In the Hills!? I can’t live here; it’s too expensive.’

Expensive was a word I didn’t understand. ‘I didn’t realize that we were on a budget. I don’t keep track of expenses, especially not with the people close to me,’I said as I lit a few candles, preparing to take advantage of our new deal in ways she never thought possible.

‘Wine?’ I asked, although I was sure no one could refuse a glass of Chateau Margaux 1787 wine. I was keeping that for special occasions and what time better than the dawn of something new?

‘Yes, please,’ she nodded, coming by my side.

‘Tell me, what should we toast to?’ I offered her the glass, letting her decide what the night was about — a deal, or something much deeper to warm our numbed hearts.

‘It’s complicated; I don’t even know what to say.’ She was oscillating between admitting to herself that it was more than a commitment bound by necessity, and totally denying the truth, seeing it as just a deal.

‘How about for you sleeping in my arms tonight.’ I tried a much smoother approach, while at the same time revealing one of my desires.

‘You don’t have to charm me; we already made the deal.’

At least I knew how things stood. It wasjust a dealfor her. Maybe I had been mistaken earlier regarding her. Was I just a cheque to be cashed out at the first bank?

My disappointment made no effort to be hidden since she immediately tried to mend things. ‘I’m sorry, I say the stupidest things when I’m stressed.’

She didn’t need to be sorry. The truth shouldn’t bother me. Things were as they were... she was the thrill of the night, and I, the monster who hired her. I just didn’t get it at the start.

Without wasting any more time with futile conversation, I let my hand glide to the small of her back, drawing her to crash against my chest.

‘Do I make you feel stressed?’ I leaned my mouth towards hers, getting rid of a few lost strands that were in my way. ‘Do I?’ I asked, brushing my lips against hers, knowing precisely that Ididmake her feel stressed.

‘Just a little,’ she murmured, but showed me exactly the opposite, uniting her lips with mine.

We were taking things slow, as if we had all the time in the world, discovering a magic I never thought I deserved. She was dismantling my universe completely with each soft move that was making me a prisoner of her spell.

We weren’t in any hurry to advance to the next level. More like trying to clean the pieces of me where dust had settled in, digging out emotions that seemed as old as the pyramids.

Though forever didn’t really meanforever.My manly genes were taking their call, making me take the hem of her shirt out of her skirt so I could freely roam what lay beneath it.

My fingers felt like they would turn into ash without touching her skin, pampering each inch as they were trying to etch the map of her body deep within my mind.

I was fueled with desire. My hands raised further beneath the material seeking the base of her two round mounds that were the center of some pretty fucked up thoughts which tormented me for the past few days. I wanted to feast on her full nipples as her heartbeat would race with the unique sensation of having me as her lover for the night. It would be so easy for me to take her into my darkness, luring her into the pitiless abyss until her body would only be satisfied when tormented by my madness.

I found myself drifting again, racing to an alternative reality that could bring only sorrow to both of our lives.