Page 65 of The Book of Kings

‘Relax, Mouse. I’m only searching for a pillow.’ I gently rearranged her legs and placed my head on her thigh so I could get some sleep... Not decent sleep though, since I had to be careful not to hurt her. But as soon as Ferris left in the morning, I stole his place on the pillow next to her, as much as I regretted leaving those legs sexily wrapped around me behind.

By the time I finally opened my eyes, I noticed Bea heading to the door.

‘Where are you going?’ I was concerned about her doing something stupid. Jenna’s death was taking its toll on her, destabilizing her emotions.

‘I was just going to have a look around. I can’t be in bed.’

‘I’m coming with you... to have a look around.’ I just needed to make sure she was ok, although every other gesture she made was convincing me of things being entirely the opposite.

Mouse seemed confused, like she didn’t even know where she was going. And that made us end up in a room where Ferris and Brax were trying to figure out what the next step should be.

I couldn’t engage in their conversation at the time. My attention needed to focus on Bea. She felt lost and my thoughts were sadly confirmed as she decided to leave just a few minutes after she arrived. Devastated by the events, she needed some alone time, and there wasn’t much to be done except to respect her request.

Time heals everything. She just needed a few days to figure things out on her own, and both I and the guys decided to let her have that.

Bea had isolated herself in her room until the day of the funeral.

I wasn’t a master of words. That job could easily go to Ferris, but since he had his own problems with graveyards and funerals he wasn’t the right man that day.

Brax could be taken easily out of that picture, so you could guess who was left to pick up the emotional damage.

Bea was a fucking mess, blaming herself for the death of her friend throughout the entire funeral. In fact, I think she had been doing it for days, in the safety of her room. She just didn’t seem to understand that the one who pulled the trigger was the only one responsible. Him, and him alone.

I found the hours spent at the chapel difficult to handle. I didn’t have the right words to say,and I was starting to believe that they didn’t even exist.

The funeral itself seemed too much for her to bear, especially the part where they finally lowered the casket into the ground. I had no idea what to say or even how to say it and whatever word was coming out of my mouth seem to be the wrong one. That’s when Ferris took the lead, defeating his own demons just so he could face hers.

And since I had him as a backup, I decided to get to the car to get another pack of smokes.

I was just returning from the limo when I saw Mouse sneaking around to get away from the funeral. Not even her guard noticed her missing, as he wasn’t around to follow.

Someone needed to keep an eye on her, no matter where she would want to go.

That someone was me.

Bea was way ahead of me. The distance between us was considerable but enough for me to still be able to observe her. I rushed to catch up, reminding myself for a second that I had a guard of my own, though I had no idea where he was either, and no time to search for the fucking idiot.

Suddenly, I noticed her taking a left turn and entering a small chapel. That put me at ease. At least I wasn’t going to run after her through the whole graveyard.

But there was something else… something wrong. I could feel it in the way the leaves moved while the wind blew through my hair with savage coldness. It must’ve been just the graveyard giving me the creeps. At least that’s what I told myself until I noticed there was a dark silhouette, following close behind Mouse.

I began running. Still, there was a great enough distance to cover. By the time I reached the chapel, I wasn’t sure if I should just burst through the door or sneak my way in to see if she really was in any kind of danger.

I chose wisely, creeping through the cover of the darkness, hiding between large column pillars.

‘You’re a psychopath. You killed Jenna, didn’t you?’I could hear Bea’s voice screaming with such hate that it instilled instant panic deep inside my veins.

She was face to face with the killer!

‘I don’t even care what her fucking name was. She was wearing your clothes. It was supposed to be you. But I believe things turned out way better for me. Now I get a closeup of your death.’I heard a man speak as I was sneaking in closer to him.

I had a gun on me. One of Brax’s gifts for self-defense purposes. Although I wasn’t that great a shooter. I had, in fact, never actually used a gun before.

‘You’re not a parent. You’re a monster.’ I could hear Bea groan with a pain that was ripping my soul in half.

Fuck, it was her father!

The fucking killer was her own father!