Page 46 of The Book of Kings

So maybe Camden knew about the little couch session. Who the fuck even cared?... Except for her.

‘Oh...’. The sound slipped my mouth.

‘Oh!?’ She seemed pissed off.

‘He might suspect something because of the blanket. But trust me, hedoesn’t know. Unless you led him to believe it was true.’ The look in her eyes told me that was exactly what she did. Camden had a way of always getting things out of people. And Bea made no exception.

‘Ok, so maybe you did. Why does it even matter? He fingerfucked that girl he was with. It’s not like you got seen by Holly Mary.’

‘You’re right, Cole. You’re always right,’ the irony in her voice came out as a warning. We’d reached the end of the line.

‘Let’s get you inside before you catch a cold.’ I tried ignoring the direction this discussion was trailing off.

‘Can I go to the room?’ she asked in an unusual tone.

‘Yeah. Go. I won’t be long either. Just need to have a word with Cam.’ I didn’t care about Camden or whatever the fuck he thought. I was just giving her some space.

For a split second, I thought that had even worked. I went back to the room almost an hour later, finding her patiently waiting for me between the pillows in some instant-boner lingerie, barely covering her alluring shapes.

‘Either you can’t get enough of my dick, or you have mixed personalities.’ It was fine by me either way. ‘So? Which one is it?’

‘I’m just giving you what you want.’ — that wasn’t fine by me. I didn’t like the tone of her voice as she spoke the words.

‘You don’t have the slightest idea of what I want even if I keep telling you.’ I joined her in bed. ‘Move over, Mouse.’ I was fucking tired of playing games. I wanted to know what was up with her. ‘What’s wrong?’


‘You see, I can’t take you seriously when you give me bullshit answers like that. I askedwhat’s wrong?’ My patience — completely gone.

‘You keep saying I should play girlfriend, but you treat me like a tramp,’ she was finally saying out loud what was going on in that fucked-up mind of hers.

‘I haven’t even touched you. Are you on drugs?’

‘Not now. Earlier.’

‘Why? Because we had sex on the couch? If you remember, you came like in five nanoseconds. But ok... you didn’t like it...’ We were spiraling down the rabbit hole again — for the last time.

‘Me liking it doesn’t excuse the fact that you forced me into it. For you, I’m no different from the girl that got fingered by Cam.’

‘First of all, I didn’t force you into it. And second, you’re miles away from any of those girls. You are mygirlfriend. You’re the only one that I kiss, the only one that I fuck, and the only one that I protect. So you tell me where does that leave us?’

I knewexactlywhere that left us. I’ve been in her position with every girl that I ever fucking touched. This time, I was the miserable fool that ended up with more than an orgasm for the night. I ended up with my heart fucked-up.

Bea didn’t have an answer. I didn’t even want one. I just left the room to go on a date with someone who really shared my feelings — my usual bottle of whiskey.

It was morning when I returned to pick her up along with the rest of my stuff. They say the night is a good counselor, and it was to be proven right in my case. It helped me reach a decision. One that would settle things once and for all.

We didn’t do much talking during the ride back to Echo City. She did try opening a conversation at some point, but what could she really say to the man that’s forcing himself on her?

Still, since she was so keen on having a small chit-chat, it was time I shared what I had to say. ‘I want to end the deal.’

‘End it?’ She seemed surprised.

‘Yes.Usor whatever. Let’s just say I’ve grown out of it.It’s not you. It’s mekinda crap.’ I was getting tired of spinning around in circles.

‘And what about the Academy?’

‘You can still keep your title. I don’t fucking care. So, take out your glass and celebrate.’ She was finally free. That’s what she wanted, right?