Page 39 of The Book of Kings

Being his usual self, Brax didn’t seem to care about my tantrum. He had much more important things to share. Apparently, he was becoming my personal fucking Tooth Fairy, deciding to return to my bank accounts the sums my pops had lost in his casinos — with the condition that I deny my father access to them.

The gesture took me by surprise. In his line of work, money came first, but between us, it seemed friendship prevailed.

I wish I could say I was happy, or even felt some kind of joy. The news would have brought any other person into tears of gratitude, but not me. I was far too proud to accept anyone’s pity, yet far too bankrupt to deny it.

The solution presented itself just when my mother needed help with the stack of unpaid bills that was growing each month. Let’s just say I was at ease that I got rid of one of my biggest problems...but not happy.

At least Brax agreed I would give him the money back at some point in the future, with interest. My father lost it in his casinos, and it was only fair for Brax to still have full rights over the sum. Casinos and clubs made his world go round and I wasn’t going to prevent that from happening by mixing business with friendship.

The rest of the night had flown by rather quickly. Well, the truth was I had no idea what had really happened since I tried drowning my problems in a plus-size bottle of whiskey. I just woke up with an extreme headache in one of Ferris’s guest rooms, not sure even what day it was or how I got there in the first place.

Luckily, I knew just the man to fix me. Alfred. That man had a secret remedy drink for situations like that, and it wouldn’t have been the first time I had cause to try it. The secret smoothie tasted like shit. Still, it did its job, bringing me back to my senses just in time to get a certain someone up on her feet.

Alfred told me Bea had spent the night in Brax’s room and I considered it was about time for a late morning wake-up call. The door was open,but both of them were so fucking sound asleep that they didn’t even hear me come in. Kind of weird for Brax, but I imagined they had one hell of a night.

I couldn’t help myself from feeling a little jealous. It was probably because I was missing out on all the fun. Or maybe because it was just human nature, and no matter how strongly I loved Brax as a brother, I still craved to share a bed with Bea.

It didn’t mean I couldn’t have somemorning entertainment.

From what I had noticed, the chances were that Bea wasn’t wearing a bra. Sneaking over to their bed, I drove my hand beneath the ivory sheets to search for the shape of her rosy nipples. I instantly could hear her purr. The sensual noise made my lips want to sip the very last note of her melancholic voice. It was impossible not to share a kiss with her, in a gentle search for each other’s mouths through molten senses.

Brax was stillsound asleepbehind her, although I was beginning to suspect that he had been awake the whole time, just too lazy to open his eyes.

I hoped to steal a few extra minutes to enjoy the seductive sways of Mouse’s tongue but before my plan materialized, she came to her senses and realized that the hand roaming her breasts or the lips fused to hers weren’t Brax’s.

‘Cole!?’ she uttered in total confusionawakeningBrax.

‘Cole, get the fuck out of here before I shoot you.’ It seemed Mr. Capone got up on the wrong side of the bed.

‘I was just having some morning fun,’ I chuckled, freeing my sleepy victim.

‘Go havemorning funin your fucking room. You’re interrupting my sleep,’ Brax snarled, reinforcing the grip he had on Bea’s waist.

‘Just make sure Bea wakes up. We leave in an hour,’ I wanted to reach Emerald City by early evening. Camden didn’t like when people were late and I wasn’t going to kiss up to him if he got any kind of temper.

I returned to pick up my companion for the trip after about an hour. Her mood seemed to have visibly deteriorated since when my lips were dancing on hers. It must’ve been Brax’s doing. His people skills have the quality of a used sock — not that I was any different. But I could have been different to her — if her attitude wouldn’t always get in the way.

Most of the ride to Emerald City was in silence, so peaceful that even I felt forced to ask the unavoidable question. ‘Is there something wrong?’

‘No. Everything is ok.’

I knew she was lying, but I wasn’t a fucking shrink. One question was enough. ‘I don’t really believe you. But I’ll make it ok. Just try to sleep for an hour or so. It’s a long drive. You seemed tired and I have some plans with you for tonight.’ She would be as good as new by the morning... or irremediably messed up. Either way, she would bemine.

I was trying to play the badass, but as much as I would have liked to not give a fuck, I noticed she was shivering from the low-temperature AC. I hated to drive with heat blowing in my face. Still, I needed to do something to prevent her from freezing. As soon as I stopped at a gas station, I bought her coffee then pulled a blanket out of the trunk and threw it over her. I could shoot myself for becoming the caring dork, but I couldn’t stop myself either.

Mouse only woke up an hour before we reached our destination, exactly as we were entering Emerald City. Just in time so I could explain the works at Camden’s cottage. Luxury and showing off were part of his way of life, and nothing would be any different with this party. Every event was just another brick in asserting his crew’s authority, and I could only prepare myself for when they would be ready to test my limits.

I needed to behave, in the name of our cause. But if I was to pay such a price, then I most definitely needed some consolation from Bea.

‘Come, Mouse.’ I opened the car’s door for her, then picked up the luggage from the trunk.

‘You, dumbass, get his bag.’ A voice I knew too well was scolding one of hisrecruits.

‘Camden!’ I was full of shit as I gave him an exaggerated man-hug to celebrate ourreunion.

‘So glad you could join us. If I’d known you have pieces like that in Echo City, I would have come to visit sooner. Ladies first.’ Camden grinned, guiding Bea inside the cottage.

I knew he would notice her, and that’s exactly why I brought her along. Mouse had always been the type who could turn into a princess with just two stumps of a heel. A trophy like her could assure anyone a top position on Camden’s scale of values.