Page 28 of The Book of Kings

I was so busy for the rest of the day that I didn’t even realize when the hours had passed. Funny how everyone else thought my life was perfect when the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. Lately, I’ve been joining my father in every state institution, establishing connections so I could get a cozy spot in politics when the day would come. Maybe I’ve been slacking at school, but when it came to my future, I was taking all precautions that it would be a bright one.

I arrived at the party half an hour earlier than I asked Mouse to come. I needed to see what was what first and prepare a few things before she arrived. When I say afew thingsI’m talking about an extra-large bedroom and the privacy that came with it.

Plus, I was in desperate need of a drink, and the whiskey bottle I opened the instant that I arrived at the party, was the perfect company until mydatearrived.

I might have been king, but never considered myself a people person, even less so that night. Somehow, I ended up in the garden, gawking at the sky. Not that I could see any stars, because of the pollution, but I knew that far above the purple clouds they were still shining for the rotting city.

‘You’re fucking late,’ I snarled, seeingthe personI’d been expecting making room through some ornamental bushes.

‘It’s not like you were waiting for me in front with wide open arms. I had to search for you through this entire place.’

‘Oh, you wanted to be in my arms. Why didn’t you say so? Come here, Mouse.’

Sarcasm had a price. She should have learned that by now.

‘I said, come.’ I groaned, noticing her hesitating.Since when could my prerogatives be overlooked?

Luckily for her, she quickly came back to her senses. I noticed her approaching from the corner of my eye, as I was sipping a few extra mouthfuls of whiskey. It was time for the games to begin. Without wasting any more time, I glued the bottle to her lips.

She almost spat it back, choking with the brownish liquid. Too bad for her I wasn’t the empathic type. ‘You need to practice,’ I placed the bottle back to her lips, forcing her to take another sip.

The liqueur hit her hard. I noticed all the beautiful expressions on her face as she was trying to swallow the alcohol. She probably hated me in those moments, and I wanted nothing else from her.

Materializing my desires, I pulled her against my chest. I needed to feel her close, even though the encounter was becoming too dangerous for either of us to handle. I just couldn’t let go. My lungs were screaming for her intoxicating scent as if they would refuse to function without it.

Weakness was showing off through all of my pores. I needed to mask it somehow, so burying my face deep within her chocolate hair, I brought my hands to travel the curves of her back, ‘So this was your alternative for no bra?’ She had defied me again and chose a corset to equal myno brarequest.

‘I improvised,’ she was trying to act like that could be ok, even if she knew I was onto her doing.

‘Don’t remember asking you to improvise, but if you’re going to cause trouble then better be prepared to attend them.’ I muttered, showing her how good I also am at improvisation. Without a second thought, I took her hand and guided it to slide straight over the zipper of my jeans. I wanted her and I saw no point in using words to let her know it.

‘There are people watching us.’ The distress in her voice was turning me on even more than I ever thought possible.

‘I’m not a prude, let them watch,’ I drove an arm over her waist, pulling her against me for her to feel the twitching anxiousness of my length. I was already imagining the tantalizing skin-on-skin contact completed by the sound of her purrs.

‘All you ever think about is sex,’ she whined like it was a bad thing…

‘Well, methinking about sexgot you a surprise.’ I might have been the villain of the story, but she was in for the reward of her life — the custody papers.

As soon as I took out the white sheets that secured her custody of her siblings, I went back in for a refill... like a full bottle refill. I could have stayed there all day and gloated but I wasn’t really prepared for the avalanche of emotions that kind of victory could provoke in her. When it came to Mouse, I was oscillating between the bad guy and a nerdy sensation. And I needed to drown the motherfucker wimp that was about to surface.

Only ten steps inside the living room and I was already approached by a blue-eyed doll that was ready to open her legs for me even before she got to open her mouth. ‘My friend Theresa said I’d find you here,’ she bit her lips while talking, sending off all the sexual vibes in the book.

‘Didn’t know you were looking,’ I just shrugged, heading towards the bottle I needed so badly.

‘Well, I’m from Emerald City, but I’m visiting her for a few weeks, and I thought it was rude to walk into new territory without introducing myself, especially to the one who rules around here. I’m Audrey.’ The new temptation showed off her perfectly whitened teeth, moving from one leg to another as she spoke, and arranging her cleavage. It was more about a simple introduction. Judging by the thirst in her eyes, it was an introduction to my bed.

My cock seemed one step away from taking her up on her offer, especially with her tits freely swinging beneath that thin piece of material she wore as an excuse for a top. But then a similar image struck me. Call me sentimental, but Mouse’s nipples peaking out at me that day in the rain were hitting my mind like the strongest aphrodisiac. Yes, I needed to introduce someone to my bed that night alright. And that person was Bea.

Speak of the devil, a pair of melting lips found their way onto my ear, exciting the very last cell in my body. ‘Thank you,’ Mouse whispered so seductively that her gesture could hide only one ulterior reason — jealousy. She wasn’t thanking me for the papers. She was claiming me in front of the new competition, and that meant I was winning the game, although the game itself was beginning to play both of us.

I turned to face her, trying to confirm my suspicions, without giving away a hint that I was on to her. ‘I guess that made you happy,’ I said as relaxed as I could, like the poisonous touch of her lips didn’t have an effect on me.

‘Yes.’ She offered a genuine answer.

I did make her happy.

And since I was playing the happiness card, I just decided to give her the chance to reinstate her newfound position as my queen, ‘Now maybe when you kiss me next time, you’ll really mean it.’