Page 172 of The Book of Kings

‘I want to switch. You said you’ve had her before. Come on. It will be exciting.’ She spoke just as Sandra entered the opposite room. ‘I know it will turn you on. And we can have some fun together after that. If you’ll still be up to it.’

If I would be up to it.I didn’t like the ring of that. It sounded like a challenge I had no problem completing. The only problem was I didn’t want to.

My all-too-planned evening was turning into a nightmare and there was nothing else that I could do about it except to play her game.

Denying her request, meant gratifying her as so much more than what I allowed out on display, while accepting would be marking her down as just the sex toy that I used in any way for my pleasure.

My choice was impossible for my heart, yet one too easy for what the name Brax represented.

Swallowing the knot in my throat that seemed to prevent me from breathing, I picked up my phone and advised Sandra of the change in plans.

If Bea wanted to play, then it was certainly game-on.

‘I’ll be watching.’ I gave Bea a playful smack on that round ass, signaling her that it was okay to leave the room.

The cards were finally turning in my favor and Sandra entered my room just as Bea was finding her way out. There was something off with the whole setting. It was so out of her character to ever ask for such a thing and not having her seductive body trembling against my own was making me see things that more clearly.

‘Wait a minute, then leave,’ I snarled towards Sandra who had remained next to the door, waiting for my instructions. At least someone obeyed me around that place.

Lighting a cigarette, I waited for Bea to walk into the glass room, studying her every insecure step, yet not really knowing if she was just nervous or bluffing.

There was a new guy on duty that night. My staff hired him a few weeks before but I never got to see him. So, I could have considered the situation as new to me as it was to Bea.

The guy extended a hand for Bea to join him and the second they made contact I felt a coil of anger flooding my veins. That was exactly why I had sent Sandra away. She couldn’t see my reactions, and I couldn’t stay away from observing Bea’s every gesture.

‘First time in a room like this?’ The bastard was making conversation when he was supposed to fuck her without having to charm his way into her panties.

That made me that more angry.

I was starting to believe that him even breathing would infuriate me, and still, I managed to convince myself that I could stand by and watch until the end.

Bea nodded, losing her confidence for a second, but somehow finding it in the very next moment. ‘First time, yes.’

‘Then I’m going to go easy on you.’ Again with that oozing charmful vibe, making me want to reach for my gun.

‘Ready when you are,’ her words, as sensual as the ones she used with me.

Shit, there was no bluff. She was really doing it out of entertainment.

‘Trust me, you’re not ready.’ The guy said arranging his styled hair, then drove his hand from the side of her neck to the small of her back to unzip her fucking dress.

A large thump raced through my chest, knowing that there was nothing I could do about it. I agreed with this type of entertainment and I was supposed to have some fun myself, not foaming at the mouth for someone that was supposed to mean nothing.

Besides, what I was seeing was supposed to harden me, to prove my point. If Bea was so easily distracted by another man, then what kept her from leaving at first chance that she got?

And to reinforce my statement, the extremely sexy piece of lingerie put on display on her body was chosen with that plan in mind — having sex with a stranger.

Suddenly, she began unbuttoning his shirt and even though I felt her gesture was sending me to the death squad, I thought I spotted a trail of distress tugging at the corners of her lips.

Initially, I thought I was wrong, but there it was again as the guy kneeled in front of her. And again, as she closed her eyes, preparing for what was to come.

I got her.

My suspicions were right.

I was defeating her at her own game, although at the same time realizing that there was no way in which I would win. No matter who would win the battle.

She was letting that man get dangerously close to her just to prove a point to me she didn’t even know was valid.