Page 18 of The Book of Kings

The time for fooling around was up. I needed to get to more serious actions. My lips molded against her nub, nibbling and suckling it over and over again until I could feel the strength in her legs dying. She didn’t realize it, but she could barely support herself, almost melting on my arms that were propping the upper part of her thighs.

She was helpless and it was time to break her. Not that I didn’t want to continue my assault, but I was the one who set the minute rule.

It only took a small bite on that sensitive clit, to taste the liquid remains of her orgasm, ‘So sweet,’ I groaned, making her shake hard by the time I was done that I almost felt sorry for the next part of my plan...almost.

‘Your tough, Mouse. I wouldn’t have suspected that you would last more than three minutes,’ I spoke as I let her slide slowly into the water with me and fall powerless against my chest.

The sensation of that kind of closeness came like an electrically charged lightning bolt, sending warning flashes in each one of my cells. Something was wrong — like an unseen threat was going to sneak up on me. Still, I felt powerless to stop it, letting the last-minute drain on the time counter without even moving a finger. Maybe we could have stayed there longer, but the alarm was bringing me back to reality.

‘My turn,’ my tone came with even more arrogance than I wished for.

I quickly withdrew from that spot, to take a seat on the rim of that tub.

There was aserious issuethat she needed to deal with, and I was being kind enough to repeat the instructions, ‘As if you mean it, remember?’

She couldn’t even look at me. No surprise there. But her next request did come as a surprise, ‘Can we turn off the lights?’

‘Funny how you didn’t want them turned off whileIwas attending you.’ I did catch her sneaking a gaze my way once or twice as I was servicing her a few minutes ago, even if she was focusing on looking only at the timer.

‘No, we can’t. I want to see you. I want to see you enjoy me.’ There was no chance in the fucking world that I would miss that moment.

And there it was...

Admitting to being defeated, she gently lowered her head to have me, parting her mouth and letting my arousal slip in between those thick rose lips.

My money was that she didn’t have any idea of how she could properly satisfy me, still, compared to any other hoe I slept with, her movements were waking up every nerve of my length. That irritated me in a way. She was gaining power from a man that thrives on control. And I couldn’t let her get away without paying a price.

Maybe I couldn’t control the groans that were escaping my lips, but I could control her movements. She was just increasing her pace when I searched for long locks of her hair, wrapping my hand around them to guide her on how to move her lips to have me.

Just another mistake on my part.

I was risking failing to last even the seven minutes she did, but I couldn’t stop seeking out every moment of pleasure she had to give.

As in the class, that tightening sensation was announcing itself to build much stronger than I anticipated. ‘Look at me,’ I groaned as I felt that she was movements away from getting me to cum.

I needed to regain control, even if she was opposing it once again. ‘Eyes up,’ I commanded. This time, she needed to follow. ‘I’m starting to believe that I will need you for much more than a month.’ It wasn’t a secret confession, just a thought that’s been on my mind ever since she entered my bathroom.

I needed more time to tame her into being the toy she was supposed to be from the start.

I began thrusting again, more viciously this time around, sneaking a hand inside her bra to play with one of her round nipples. It wasn’t only for the pleasure. It was for the anxiousness, the thrill of sensing me there was causing her.

The idea of feeling something except hate when it came to me,repelled her, even if the pleasure was totally out of her control.

The same way as it was for me. The pleasure was controlling me, not the other way around. I was in the final moments before finding my release. My hands clutched to jab myself deeper while her palms pressed against my knees to push me away. She could barely find the strength to have me, struggling to be set free while small tears were flowing from the corner of her eyes, crowning the results of my thrusts with the last shattered groans of my release.

Her beautiful eyes dilated, feeling the liquid result of my release, trying once again to be set free so she could dispose of it.

I couldn’t have that. I WANTED her fear and I WANTED her hate — these were the main elements that had built me to the heights of such an amazing orgasm, and I wasn’t going to renounce that kind of pleasure too soon.

As I slipped myself out, my hand came to guide her lips back together while I shifted my head as a NO. She was going to have me. All of me.

I recognized the anger in her eyes as she swallowed. She hated me, and that made me want her even more.

Without saying another word, Bea rose from the tub, changing straight back into her clothes. ‘Are we done?’ she asked as she was trying to fix back her makeup.

‘For the day. I’ll see you tomorrow at school,’ I heaved my head back on the rim of the tub, trying to seem much more relaxed than I really was.

In reality, I wanted more… so much more of her, uselessly trying to fool myself that just playing around would work.