Page 158 of The Book of Kings

We plunged into the swimming pool as I was leaving any trace of the calculated Brax behind. I was just some madman, trying to live through the seconds as if it could have been the last day of my life.

And in a way, it would be. Because it was the only time I was ever going to allow myself the luxury of that beautiful dream.

Our lips remained joined as we crashed into the bottom of the pool, and my body was lit up by pain. But I ignored it, keeping Bea prisoner as my tongue was searching to tell her that she was mine.

We broke the surface, even though I didn’t even recall swimming back up. I just recall the impossible need that was ripping throughout me. Not just physical need. Something so much more than the body-on-body sensation. A fucking need to see her when I would wake up every God damn morning.

‘Brax...,’ she whined, feeling the danger.

I knew that she was trying to leave. The same way I knew I couldn’t let her.

‘Don’t go... Don’t go,’ I crushed my lips on her to prevent her from saying another word.

With slow movements, I drove us to the ledge of the swimming pool where my body could keep her captive against the tiles.

There was no escape from me, and she knew it.

‘You can’t do this to me, Brax.’ She was referring to that insane chemistry that pulsated between us. I could do any physical gesture. It was in our unwritten contract. But she wasn’t talking about that. Bea recognized the ravaging feeling that was blooming between us. And she feared it equally as I did.

‘I can’t stop it either.’ I kissed her harder. The way I never kissed any woman before — with my heart. I never felt so alive and yet so scared thatthe Braxin true daylight would shatter this memory to pieces.

Somehow, between the swirls of our tongues, I realized that I was still holding onto the bottle of whiskey. Wanting to dispose of the burden to have better use for my hands, I placed it on the ledge of the pool. But that brought unwanted attention to mycondition.

‘Brax!?’ Bea called me to look at her.

‘Yes, baby.’

‘You’re drunk,’ she spoke with a sadness that I knew held ground, even though I wasn’t playing her even for a second.

‘Maybe I am, but nothing about this moment is fake,’ I searched for her lips. ‘I want you. I want you so fucking bad, I can’t even control myself.’ I wanted her with every fiber of my body. And that was exactly the motive for which I tried controlling myself from taking the next step.

I just kept my lips on hers, urging them to conquer any undiscovered boundary until we found a place just of our own where I was no longer Brax — the underworld boss, and she Bea — my toy. I could feel that as her legs raised to take my waist as a prisoner, calling me to make her mine.

The spell was sewing itself around us, making me tug her top beneath her breasts, but stopping right after that gesture so I could see her reaction.

For some reasons, I didn’t want to push things with her. Even if that could mean ending the night right there and then. She wasn’t my toy for the night and we weren’t bound by some deal, but by free will.

As if knowing what I was waiting for, her head fell back, arching herself so I could have a taste of her throbbing tips. It was like I’d been waiting for that moment for a lifetime, as my lips couldn’t get enough of the sweet flavor of her pebbled nipples.

‘I want you... Iwantyou,’ I roared with everything I held bottled up within. Grinding my teeth to resist the anguish between my ribs, I brought her a little lower, drawing my palms where my lips used to be instants before and pushes her panties out of the way to plunge inside her.

‘Oh, God!’ she breathed the words just as I was making room between her inner walls.

‘God is so far away from here now,’ I drove myself deeper, but so unhurriedly that she would get to feel every inch of me claiming her.

I could feel her slowly drifting to be engulfed into the ecstatic pleasure we were about to create. But I wanted her there, conscious of every single second which we were living. Because it was everything I could ever offer.

‘Stay with me.’ I ghosted the words, bringing her back to live through every thrust alongside me, as her body became one with my own.

It was like a fucking coronation of every fantasy I ever had with her and never exploited to their true limits. I didn’t want to stop myself from kissing her, from shuddering as her hands would clutch onto my shoulders. I didn’t want to stop showing her that I wanted her inthatway.

My hips tensed deeper within her, taking the air from her lungs to replace it with my length as I felt her warmer and much closer to ecstasy with every single jab I was propelling into her. I yearned to feel her tighten around me as her breasts would quiver with that uncontrolled jolt of her thighs.

As if listening to my desires, I suddenly fell prisoner to her core. A fight for survival was struggling within me into the most amazing vice of them all.

Still, I continued to lunge within her walls making her lose any kind of power until her body became my own, drifting to gently crash against the pool tiles.

‘Brax....Brax...!’ she murmured in a delirious state, asking me to do the impossible and find my own release.