Page 156 of The Book of Kings

‘Like I wait for my death.’ That wicked tongue of here rushed to speak again, poisoning whatever good intentions I might have had with her.

‘Now don’t get dramatic on me. Better do yourself a favor and spread them.’ I pushed her thighs to open, driving two fingers within her, raising a rush of panic to seize control of her mind. She was fighting to get away, or maybe just fighting the feeling building inside of her as she was moving only to provoke me to drive further within her core.

‘Stop fussing, Bea. Or are you too afraid of what my touch is doing to you?’ I asked, secretly wanting her to be afraid. I needed her to think about my touch and the devastating effects it has on her. I wanted her to belong to us, especially since I noticed Ferris observing everything from his place on the couch.

I knew he was still affected by the news he received just minutes before, but I also knew him enough to guarantee that he was enjoying the show.

‘You’re close,’ I murmured inches away from Bea’s lips, noticing her knees beginning to shake with the irresistible thrill I was creating.

Sensing her weakness Cole called for Ferris, but he didn’t seem too eager to join. My eyes traveled to him for a second, just to make sure he was still okay.

What I found reflecting in his gaze surprised me. The same flickers of wicked lust ignited just as back in the good days when moments similar to this one used to be part of our usual fun.

‘This is better than the old days,’ I couldn’t stop myself from admitting it as my hand was ramming inside of her, making her squirm with the tightening sensation rushing through her drenched pussy.

‘Itisbetter,’ Ferris agreed with me as we both knew what I was talking about. She was better than anything we shared before and that was making her a dangerous asset in our game.

‘I think she willwantto defy us next time. Won’t you, Bea?’ I was trying to teach her a lesson, recovering my hand just to rearrange her clothes back on like she was nothing but a Barbie doll. A Barbie doll at our disposal...

Instantly, I noticed her lip trembling, although she couldn’t say a single word. I was sure she had a great deal to share with us, the same way I was certain that she wasn’t going to be doing it. Bea just burst through the door, leaving the three of us behind, not before she got a fair warning from Cole about sticking around.

I didn’t think he was through with her, but as it turned out a bottle of whiskey later, it was me who had something more to add to the night.

My attempts of taking my mind off her failed lamentably. I even tried mingling between the crowd for fuck’s sake, but nothing in the room seemed to raise my interest. Not the way she wasraisingeverything else within me.

I remained to talk to Cole and Ferris for a little while, while my wound kept asking for something to numb it. Or maybe my heart was the one asking for something to numb it, but it turned out, I only managed to numb my fucking brain.

I was on my way to find fucking trouble.

Chapter 35

Inoticed Bea slipping outside maybe half an hour earlier. I knew she wanted to be alone, but somehow, I managed to convince myself that she was out in the cold. A strange need to protect her flushed over me like a hurricane and I somehow managed to find myself walking through the yard in search of her, holding a spare jacket I picked up from Ferris.

She was easier to find than I suspected, and after a couple of minutes of wandering around, I glimpsed a silhouette sitting on a sunbed by the pool.

‘It wouldn’t be fair of you to freeze to death. How would you keep your part of the deal if you were six feet under?’ I tried to make a nice entrance. At least one that wouldn’t reveal the pathetic loser I really was.

‘It’s not that cold.’ Bea mumbled the words through trembling lips.

Not that cold my ass...

‘I brought an extra jacket, but I’m going to hold on to it if you don’t need to keep warm,’ I snickered, knowing that she was going to accept it sooner or later. And taking a few steps in her direction, I insisted. ‘Not entirely sure if you’re trying to catch a tan from the outside lamp or pneumonia, but you should put this on.’ Without waiting for her to answer, I wrapped the jacket around her body, trying to keep her warm.

‘What are you doing outside? I thought Cole told you to stay at the party?’ I asked, trying to determine how badly the nights events got to her.

‘I haven’t left. Have I? I just needed a breath of fresh air,’ she all but snapped at me. So, the answer to my question wasbad.

‘You’ve been outside for more than an hour. That’s a little bit more thana breath,’ I answered in the same tone as she did although I didn’t really feel the angst. At least not that night.

I had to admit, Bea did seem a little drunk, but not drunk enough not to see the obvious. ‘Well, you brought a jacket. So, you weren’t really planning on taking me back inside were you?’

‘You have a point.’

‘So, why’s that? Why didn’t you want me to go back?’ she was asking a trick question.

One that I was reluctant to answer. Yet one that let a truth I could no longer keep hidden slip from my tongue, ‘Maybe I’m not ready to share you tonight.’

‘I think it’s pretty late for that, Brax.’ She was referring at the minutes I shared her with Cole. Not that it could have even been called proper sharing.