Page 136 of The Book of Kings

‘Shit, I forgot about that,’ I said, unable to stop cursing myself in my mind.

I was such an idiot for wasting my money on that piece of material, even though the sensual black dress with hand-sewn crystals and the pair of designer stilettos were empowering her to look like fucking royalty. Her appearance was just making things worse, amplifying the anger I felt for being stood up.

Even the note I left for her along with the clothes was grinding in the back of my mind.

An upgrade to your dress

You fucking imbecile— it was just my way of congratulating myself for being such a fool by giving room for yet another mistake to torment my nights.

‘Thank you. It’s amazing,’ I could hear her say as I was still fighting the imaginary demons ruling over my thoughts.

‘You alreadythanked mewith your behavior.’ The lying bitch thought that athank youcould ever cover for disobeying my command?

I was about to burst like an erupting volcano, but it seemed Bea had a guardian angel watching out for her.

Before I could say a word... okay, I wasn’t sure anything except roars could come out of my mouth... but before I could take any action, the sound of shattered plates drew my attention.

It was Lucia, my maid, who had come to clean up the mess I made with the dining table.

I lost it then, the way I was just about to lose it with Bea.

‘I had plans for tonight,’ I said, realizing that my anger was being fueled by exactly that motive. I wasn’t just angry, I was offended... I was hurt, even if it seemed impossible to admit it to myself.

And she was going to pay for all of that.

‘Lucia, you can leave now,’ I dismissed my maid, ready to resume the evening with myguest.

We needed some alone time, especially since Bea was in order to come through with my next request.

‘Let’s get this over with. Get down on your knees.’

She was aware of what she needed to do, and if initially I may have thought about this moment as an enjoyable bonus, it had only managed to turn into a form of revenge.

Bea knew better than to cross me for a second time that night, so without a single second of fighting it, she kneeled in front of me.

Secretly, I wanted her to resist it, maybe that would have given me even more reason to loathe her. But with a demolishing discomfort, I learned that the sensation of her fingertips brushing on my body was miles away from something that could ever have me loathing her.

I tried to keep my temper. My own body was betraying me in ways I never knew possible, becoming a battlefield of needs and conscience.

Staging an elaborate show, Bea wasn’t going straight for the kill, but prolonging my misery for good moments to come.

I noticed her bottom lip tremble as she opened my jacket and pushed the edges aside so she could remove the buttons of my shirt one by one. I suspected she had an internal fight of her own to carry out, as her lips went dry at the sight of my pecks.

I never gave myself slack on anything in this life, and my body made no exception. The gym I had downstairs was paying off with every defined muscle... not to mention the extra stamina. But I guess she’ll soon learn about that.

The warmth of her mouth took the shape of those exact muscles, moving along my chest and yanking a groan from my lips in front of the most astonishing form of foreplay.

Foreplay... fuck, the thought struck my mind like lightning as I realized uncontrolled growls were echoing from the back of my throat.

I was detesting myself for being so weak in front of her, especially since I was aiming for hate, not love.

‘When I asked you to get down on your knees, do you think this is what I was waiting for!? Unbuckle my fucking pants.’ I snarled as menacingly as I could, thinking of her as no different than any woman that ever knelt at my feet.

She means nothing.The sentence kept repeating itself in the back of my mind. I was trying to brainwash it into my thoughts and replace whatever the fuck was disagreeing with my rational thinking

‘Do it, Bea, or do you want me to tell you step by step what needs to be done!?’ I needed to assure myself of a result as I felt her hesitate to follow my initial command.

She knew the consequences of disobeying me all too well, and she couldn’t risk another slip-up tonight.