Page 108 of The Book of Kings

I had no idea what to answer. Of course, I didn’t want her to go back there. I wanted to feel her by my side, and maybe I was being selfish, but I wanted her to chase my nightmares away. Unwillingly, I was laying that burden on her shoulders, but in the end, I saw her as my final chance of salvation.

I didn’t insist on the subject of where she should live from there on. It was disturbing her to have the responsibility of having to choose on her shoulders... along with the fate of an entire city. We just needed to take one thing at a time and according to the steaming lips that just melted on mine I need to do a little more catching up with the nights we had spent away from one another. Our tongues tangled. The sheets tangled beneath us, flowing with the rhythm we were magically creating for one last time that day, making me believe that I finally found a balance.

Oh, but how wrong was I...

Chapter 25

Whatever was happening between us was giving me hope. I had the strongest reason to keep going. That also meant going further with our plan. However, I had chosen to do things my way. I was still avoiding any unnecessary trips out of my house and managed to focus most of my meetings at my residence. My schedule was fully booked anyway so wasting time traveling would have been a huge downside.

In fact, I was just getting out of a late meeting with some bank representatives when I noticed light coming from my room. ‘Bea?’ Exactly what I needed after the day I’ve had. Socializing with other people was draining me of my powers but luckily my fuel was there to save the day... or at least that’s what I thought.

‘I hope I’m not imposing,’ she said,refilling her glasswith champagne because from her slightly confused gaze I was sure it was arefill.

‘You never impose on me. Though I must ask, how long have you been in here?’ Or more likely how many glasses did she have?

‘Not really sure. Long enough to notice you weren’t in.’

That answered my question. A lot of glasses.Not that I minded.

‘This long ago.’ She brought the champagne bottle in front of the fireplace so I could see exactly how much she had out of it. ‘Enough left to share it with you,’ she continued, filling an extra glass so I could join her.

‘Are we celebrating something?’ I felt needed to ask, although internally I was celebrating that she was there with me. I think I would always celebrate that, even if at times I wouldn’t know how to show it.

She seemed to feel the same way since her lips claimed mine giving me an answer to what we were really drinking to. ‘This.’ The word came rolling off the tip of her tongue into the most delicious sound I have ever heard.

‘I’ll have a case of champagne prepared for the next time,’ I groaned between kisses.

‘A case sounds nice. It would certainly last until the morning,’ she chuckled.

‘I can make it last until the morning without bringing the case of champagne into the equation.’...and the morning to come if we’re on the subject.

‘Men...,’ she said with an ironic tone.

‘Maybe you need a sample of my true abilities.’ I captured her in my arms, decided to give her a little demonstration.

‘Maybe I do...,’ she meowed, departing from her glass and focusing her attention on me.

She was definitely in the mood to play. Her palms were moving against her breasts, cupping their volume as her heartbeat seemed to have vibrated between her fingers. She looked so fucking sexy that I could barely control myself. And I was in desperate need of control since her tigress attitude was sending me deep into a pitch-black zone.

For a second, I had become a living statue, trying to brace myself as her palms moved from her body to my own, roaming the muscles of my chest. She didn’t stop there, twisting the knife even further and gliding the tip of her fingers down to the hem of my jeans.

I became lost for words, or maybe she kissed them all away as her teeth were grazing my lips. I thought she would go straight to unzip my pants. I was mistaken. Her hands rushed deep into my pockets, not in search of my wallet as any other female presence in my life would have done.

No, Bea was different and I knew that from the start. She was searching for my knife, which she retrieved and placed in my hand.

I didn’t move a finger but she pushed the blade to open guiding my hand towards her plump breasts.

Still no response from my side. I wasn’t sure what exactly she was doing, but I was living for every single moment of it.

My hand was moving still led by her, drawing the blade over her hardened nipples, extracting the softest moan from her lungs.

During my time collecting Pleasures I’ve had enough intense experiences to last me for a lifetime. Though nothing could ever compare to the vision of what Bea was doing to me in those seductive seconds.

Without letting go of my hand, she slid the knife down on her body, ripping the material of her nighty. The gesture didn’t graze her silken skin, but it didn’t mean the trail didn’t have repercussions on my own body. Her game of arousal was taken to such extremes that I felt the tip of my cock dampening in the need of her.

‘I’m beginning to think I’m going to miss this part,’ she suddenly whispered although I had no idea what she was talking about. Maybe she was a little drunk. I couldn’t deny that, but she was definitely up for the fun.

The realization that alcohol clouded her mind made me close the knife so she won’t accidentally get hurt. Besides her nightdress was gone, revealing a very sexy pair of panties that were making my full attention focus there.