Page 105 of The Book of Kings

Yet it was too late. My monsters may not have destroyedhimbut they destroyed her.

‘I’m happyyou’realive because you just killedus.’The words remained there with me. She didn’t. Her steps led her straight to the door, leaving me there to celebrate a hollow victory.

She was right, maybe I was alive, butweweren’t. The demons that rule my life had won... my nightmares had won. I was just too blind to see it by then.

Chapter 24

Next day... It didn’t even feel like the next day. I just had the impression that the world had ended and I was just drifting away through the remains of the Apocalypse.

Despite my desolated condition, I couldn’t bring myself to give up on her. I might have given up on everything else, including myself... but not on myqueen. She needed my support going into the governor’s house and I wasn’t going to fail her, even if her abandoning me on the previous night didn’t pass by without leaving some scars on my ego — living or dead, I still had a hundred percent manly genes.

A sickening sensation followed me through the day. I felt in the pit of my stomach that something terrible was about to happen. Still, I couldn’t do anything that would jeopardize our plan of getting dirt on the governor. Bea still needed to go in, and I had to secure her a way to get what we wanted.

Strangely enough, Bea owned some very effective natural seduction skills. In fact, so good that it made me wonder if she was playing the same game with us, just at a different level.

I quickly dismissed the thought, realizing that the dark side of my mind was playing tricks on me again. I had to act normal, at least for the one single fucking day she needed me.

Getting inside the governor’s vault and hacking into his computer was a task not many men could accomplish, especially since his safe had a handprint lock.I, however, did it anyway. The years spent by my father’s side didn’t go to waste. With a few tricks up my sleeve, I managed to break through the security and gain access to all devices needed.

Except there were complications to the plan and before she got to drug the governor so we could start the search, I received a call from the hospital.

The transplant needed to happen in less than an hour. A donor had been found. They were flying in the kidneys from miles away and there was already a significant delay because of the flight time. So it had to be done the moment the medical crew arrived. That could only mean one thing, we didn’t have time to wait for Bea.

As a last-minute decision, I decided to send Cole to deal with everything at the hospital and keep an eye on Sebastian. However, we needed to keep things from Bea — at least until she had finished the mission. She couldn’t lose focus at a time like that. Any mistake could turn out to be fatal.

Still, somehow she managed to make me let her in on the situation about her brother. That got me to tense up, even more, fueling an anxiety that was making me dangerous. I felt control was slipping away from me again, and that was strongly reflected in my mood.

We were just a few seconds away from reaching our goal and downloading the information we needed. I could almost taste success. Just a few seconds to freedom when the fucking nightmare began.

I could hear people bursting into the room Bea was in. Next thing I knew, the governor was in front of the hidden camera hitting Bea. The impact must have affected the devices since everything went blank. All I could hear were Brax’s roars of anger as he was instructing his men to go in.

Looking around me, I suddenly feel terribly alone. I was a prisoner in my castle, trapped inside my own mind.

I needed to go there. Helping out from such a distance didn’t cut it this time and the fear of something happening to Bea was awakening monsters much fiercer than the ones usually sprawling my mind.

Before I realized it, I was inside one of my luxury cars driving through the front gate and speeding towards the governor’s residence. It was like I couldn’t get there fast enough. And the truth was, I couldn’t, since the second I entered through the gates of his mansion, so did Brax.

He was returning from the hospital after dropping off Bea.

Hospital. The word stuck to my mind the same instant my phone lit with a message from Cole. I dreaded reading it at first, and the result was even more gruesome than I could ever imagine. Cole had sent me a few pictures of Bea. Not that I could recognize her face anymore.

For a second I didn’t even want to admit to myself that it was her, but the necklace around her neck made the truth undeniable. I bought her that chain, so there could be no possibility of mistaken identity.

‘Where is he?’ I groaned towards Brax who was already signaling the guards to stand by for new orders.

‘Second floor, third door on the left,’ he answered with a concerned look plastered on his face. ‘Hey, we still need to figure out how we play this,’ he called after me as I was already a few steps ahead of him.

‘I only need ten minutes,’ I snarled, racing up the stairs, claiming two steps at a time.

I was in a hurry. The knives in my pocket were itching to see the light of day.

‘What are you doing here?’ That was the first thing the governor asked the moment I closed the door behind me... first and last words as the very next second he was fighting for his next breath.

I didn’t kill him. Not then. Just punctured his jugular, making a small incision that would prevent him from screaming. I didn’t want Brax to come into the room too fast. I was certain even he wouldn’t agree with my methods. Besides, whatever the governor might have had to say was useless. It was my turn to do the talking.

Brax’s men worked the classic way. The governor was tied to a chair and I could only observe a few bruises on one of his cheeks. He probably wanted to keep him alive for who knows what purpose while I dreamed of drawing blood from his body. Let’s call it a change in the overall plan. I was sure that we could handle it. We made it this far, didn’t we?

Besides, I didn’t want salvation, I wanted retribution. ‘Mr. Governor, don’t bother to speak, you’ve done enough of that.’ I smiled, showing off my blade as his feet began digging into the floor, trying to get away. ‘Don’t bother. It won’t work.’ I placed a hand on his shoulder, pressing him on the ground to stay still. ‘You see, you hurt a very dear friend of mine. It seems only fair to hurt you back.’ I was becoming calmer by the second as my blade was drawing a line from the center of his skull to his gut. And then another one. And another, creating a beautiful masterpiece of blood and pain as a thick pool of red liquid was covering the ivory floor.