Page 11 of The Book of Kings

I signaled her to approach, and as soon as she did, she quickly tried to find her way to my lips.

I don’t kiss and tell, mostly because I never kiss them, especially not in situations like this. Let’s just say I don’t enjoy having the taste of all the senior years dicks in my mouth.

Taking the hint, she dropped to her knees, eager to warm me... so eager that it seemed to have the opposite effect on my body. I didn’t have much time with Nick guarding the door, so since she wasn’t doing the job, I needed to close my eyes, focusing on whatever I could think of to get myself ready.

‘Get on the bench,’ I ordered, so I can get things over with. I needed some release, especially for what I had in mind after I would have finished with her.

No prelude was needed. I owned enough skills to get her on the walls without it. Not that I really cared what was in this for Miss Whatever, since I couldn’t even remember her fucking name. I just slipped on a rubber and jabbed myself inside her, entrapping her body beneath me to search for relief the way I wanted.

She was beautiful; I couldn’t deny that. It was the only thing that made me call her to meet me in the first place, but perky asses and perfect tits have long stopped working for me. There was something about that feeling of fucking an overly used inflatable that prevented me from finding satisfaction that easily.

I was pumping hard and fast, making her cries of pleasure fill the space. ‘Shut the fuck up before you get us both expelled.’ In reality, no one would dare to expel me. I’ve done all the shits that you could think possibly about, and no one could ever touch me. Though she didn’t need to know that, especially since the sound of her voice was overly annoying me, knowing that she was finding satisfaction when I was so far away from even leaving the starting line.

She tightened around me, and even if there wasn’t anything too tight about her, for a second, I thought I might get my relief. But the moment passed... and so did the next... and the next, until I found myself uselessly moving for almost half an hour until the pleasure on her face was turning into pain.

Maybe this will do it for me, I thought to myself, turning her around to face the bench. I was thrusting deeper, harder, trying to find something, anything, to get me to cum.

And the more that I struggled, the more it became clearer.

I wasn’t fucking the right person.

Anger flashed over me as Miss Whatever was begging me to stop while I was still trying to search for my own elation through her pain.

Clenching a hand around her ponytail, I pulled her head on the back to arch her completely, but as I took a look at her face, I realized that it wasn’t the one that I wanted to see.

It was useless. I couldn’t do this any longer. I couldn’t do her any longer!

Without any chance of success, I just got off her and left for the showers, hoping that the cold water would help me relax. The truth was that it wasn’t the first time that I fucked someone until I felt raw. It was happening more and more often, as I was starting to believe that I was searching for pleasure in places that it didn’t exist anymore. Though this was the first time I couldn’t cum after all that effort, and I was starting to think it was because I had someone else on my mind.

It was time to go see my little Mouse.

I wasted an hour in the yard, trying to figure out what the fuck was really going on with me. It must’ve had something to do with the stress I’ve been experiencing lately with my family, or maybe with the feeling that Ace is breathing down my neck, trying to dethrone me.

Although I would never let that happen.

I got this position from being chosen by the previous kings that ruled the EMA and there wasn’t a chance in hell I would betray their trust in me.

Finances —the class I was supposed to meet Mouse at. Just got my ass in a seat as far back as I could find, and waited for the prey to walk right into my trap. But she was late... almost ten fucking minutes late …or maybe worse, she changed her mind and wasn’t coming.

My thoughts began boiling like steaming lava deep beneath a volcano when the class-door opened and a voice that was almost out of breath spoke. ‘Excuse me for being late.’

It was Mouse coming from wherever the fuck she had been, probably hoping that my offer was still standing.

To be honest, my first instinct was to get up and leave, but there was something much stronger keeping me there. The thought of what revenge could really feel like. So deliciously wrong that it would be perfectly right.

The professor decided she wouldn’t be disturbed, ‘My lectures aren’t based on excuses, and if you can’t arrive on time, then I don’t have words for you to hear.’ While I had entirely other plans. It took only one gaze coming from me to make the bitchy hag, that was supposed to teach us how to increase our bank accounts, soften up, ‘Go to your seat, and do it fast, you’re already interrupting my class.’ The professor, like everyone else, knew that for all things to go well I wasn’t one to be crossed with. It was the law around that place.

I, as king, had supreme advantages over anyone who set foot in this Academy.

I could hear Mouse thank our teacher when she should actually be thanking me for my intervention. In reality, she should just have focused on the trouble she was in, ‘You kept me fucking waiting. No one does that.’

Not a single sound escaped her. She was just being an obedient slave who respected her incoming penalty. ‘At least you know your place and keep quiet,’ I continued, preening in humiliating her even more.

Little did I imagine that her sharp mouth was going to bite back, ‘You do know that the situation compels me to do this. It’s not because I’m some one-neuron bimbo who has fallen for your heavenly grace.’

Since she decided to speak so vehemently against me, she was sure ready for lesson number one.

My black leather jacket came off, as I was rearranging it right above my crotch. She would soon have some business to attend to right in that place, and I didn’t need intruding eyes to bother our little moment of incoming fun.