Page 91 of The Book of Kings

Chapter 21

Acouple of days have passed since we last saw each other and maybe it was for the best. We both needed to calm down and lick our wounds. I for one certainly needed that.

Besides, I knew that she was going to a party with Cole since he mentioned it the last time he came to visit me.

The thought of having friends again was warming something within me. There was a time I never imagined it could ever be possible.

But she made it happen.

Willingly or not, Bea had reunited us, and for that, I would be eternally grateful.

I was just thinking about her when I got a text asking me if she could come over. I hated that she felt she should ask first, but I guess things had changed a little after the last night we spent together.

I was in bed when she arrived and didn’t really bother to get up since I knew she would join me.

There was something bothering me… let’s call it my conscience. I needed to make amends for my mistakes without making a big deal out of it. If indeed that could ever be possible.

‘I was thinking... Maybe I’ve acted badly,’ I whispered, rearranging a wayward curl from over her face. I had no idea why I was actually doing it. I loved her ravaged hair. It kind of reminded me of how all over the place we really were.

‘You don’t truly believe that, do you?’ She did have a reason to doubt me, after all.

And I had every reason to prove my words to be true, ‘I do believe it.’ My arms wrapped around her, drawing her fragile back to fuse against my chest, so she could find sleep. What better evidence that I wanted something more from her than sex?

And deep down I think she got it. She understood where I was coming from, even if I didn’t lead the conversation into aplease forgive mespeech. It wasn’t exactly in my nature to apologize or maybe it just wasn’t in my royal genes.

I couldn’t be there when she woke up. I had some business to attend to and it was already late morning when I left, and she was yet to open her eyes. I had a few more things to settle before our final decision regarding her plan. Not that it was too much to decide on my part. I made up my mind, or more likelyshemade up my mind.

The meeting was held at my place since I didn’t like venturing too far away from my property. Besides I planned to spend some time with both Brax and Cole after we established what was to be done regarding Bea’s initiative.

Apparently, the three of them wanted me to come out of my refuge and take the lead in running the city — become the new governor, at least temporarily. Bea was definitely dreaming big and somehow managed to get Brax’s and Cole’s support. I was also there, playing in the same team as an issue that touched a sensitive nerve was brought up. According to the plan, the keys of the city were to be returned to the rightful hands and I could continue my true royal heritage.

Taking the lead was never my dream until then. It had belonged to my grandfather and father, but in the wicked silence of my room maybe my own dream was born. Though I couldn’t say it out loud. I was too afraid of failure, especially since a position like that would have meant public exposure, and that was the thought that I dreaded most.

Somehow, the universe seemed to have conspired against me, or maybe it was just giving me a small boost as the next day Bea decided to pay me a visit. One that it seemed wouldn’t end up in thesecurityof my mansion.

‘I need to borrow something from you first.’ She smiled before she could proceed with her so-called surprise.

I assumed it was money, ‘I was going to talk to you about having your own card.’

But obviously, I was wrong. ‘Jesus, not money. Just come with me,’ she smiled, walking towards my dressing room.

‘What do you need? Maybe I could help,’ I couldn’t hide my confusion as she was going through my stuff.

‘Here, put this on.’ She threw a black t-shirt at me.

‘What’s wrong with the one I’m wearing?’ And since when did she not like my clothes?

‘I need you to look less... royal.’

‘Why?’Were we playing dress-up? Because her choice was kinda dull if you ask me.

‘You asked me to trust you. Now I’m asking you to trust me. Put this on, and turn around.’ She threw me a black cap and waited until I had my back turned on her.

‘You made me turn so I don’t watch you change? I think I’ve seen you naked enough times to be able to look at you while you change.’ I found it hilarious.

Why on earth would she make me turn around? She was probably crazier than I was.

Dismissing her request, I walked straight next to her body, trailing a few fingers on the soft skin of her back.