Page 9 of The Book of Kings

‘Go fuck yourself,’ I groaned in his direction. He was still watching with last hopes of success, while I was making sure I evaporated them one by one the second Bea left through the door.

A date with the whiskey bottle was next on my agenda. Everyone else could just suck it.

Chapter 3

The weekend had passed without any sign from Mouse. She wasn’t going to accept my offer and I wasn’t sure what was infuriating me more, the fact that she wasn’t falling into my spell or the fact that I actually wanted her to fall.

I needed some consolation, or maybe it was just my cock thinking in my place, but from the second I stepped foot in the parking lot I managed to get myself a quick fixup for the day.

Miss Echo City herself was offering a free anatomy course during school hours, and even if the proposal didn’t sound as tempting as I would have wanted it to, I still took the opportunity for a quick release.

By the time I entered the lobby, my crew was already waiting for me. The other students used to call us The Golden Boys. Funny how there was nothing golden about us. We were as dark and messed up as it got, perfect to rule over the shitheads that went to the EMA. The Herd’s only respect was for the money and the fear of having their social position jeopardized. I might not have much money any longer, but I did hold the power to make everyone tremble in front of me. I was the one who got to say who rules and who is ruled in that school, and I never feared using that to my advantage.

No more than a few minutes could have passed before I noticed Mouse at her end of the hallway. She looked good enough to eat but there wasn’t a fucking chance in hell she would get anything out of me except total ignorance.

She meant nothing. And that’s how things were supposed to stay.

I wasn’t expecting her to be brave enough to approach me, but I guess that need sometimes makes you break your absolute limits.

The sameneedforced her to call out my name, ‘Cole.’

Every-fucking-body was staring as she managed to walk from her end of the hallway directly to mine.

The girl was either insane or desperate. And no matter which of the two was for real, I was going to take advantage of the situation.

Things couldn’t have fallen better into place. It was as if I orchestrated everything to get her completely under my control. Not only was I intimidating her, but also my army of disciples as well.

I could tell her heart was in her throat, beating so loudly that she couldn’t even hear the rest of the Herd murmuring around her.

Everything was perfect... that was until Nick — the idiot — decided to snoop around, ‘You’re-.’

He didn’t get to blow her cover before I intervened, ‘Keep your mouth shut. You signed the fucking contract. Leave us.’

He did leave, as did all the other students that were gathered around us.

‘What do you want?’ I had a pretty good idea of what she wanted, but I craved to hear her say it.

Ineededto hear her say how badly sheneededme.

‘Look around you; they’re almost forming a line to see me. Make it quick,’ I turned my gaze towards a couple of girls standing only a few meters away from us.

Obviously, I knew both of them... with and without clothes.

‘I’m sorry, Prince Charming, that I’m standing in their way to the throne.’ She was either delirious or highly intoxicated with drugs because there was no way in the world that someone would publicly talk to me like that.

One thing was for sure, Mouse was getting on my nerves with every obnoxious word she spoke.

‘I would watch my tongue if I were you,’ I gave her a fair warning. If she wanted things to be done the hard way, then so be it. I clasped my hands on the upper part of her arms so tightly that I thought they were going to break from the pressure. She seemed so fragile and yet so feisty that nothing good could ever come out of our conversation. ‘You don’t want to bring out the worse in me, do you now? Especially with what you’re about to say.’

I whirled us around, caging her between the wall and my body. I was in pure feral mode, uselessly fighting a need to feel her as close as I possibly could.

Ever since she arrived in front of me, I tried dismissing the plump shape of her lips and the emerald jewels that were anxiously staring at me, but my senses were coming close to their limits. I couldn’t help myself but lean my head to break through the curtain of her hair and fill my lungs with that perfume that was making my heartbeat race.

Ace might not have sprayed her with pheromones, after all.

I was her all along.

A scent so alluring that it was giving me an instant boner.