Page 4 of The Book of Kings

I couldn’t rule over the Elite if I was flunking in the Elite ranks, could I?

Ace seemed to have caught on to that, and was trying to call my bluff. However, he couldn’t have done it without evidence. That’s why the bet was on the watch and not on my car. The car I kept bringing to the Academy, while the watch was missing from my wrist for over half a year. He couldn’t just ask me out of the blue to show him the watch, without getting punched in the face by me. Instead, he forced my hand into agreeing to make it a part of a challenge, especially since these kinds of bets were usual arrangements between me and the guys.

In fact, these types of games have aided me in the past to keep appearances. They bound Nick to pay the bill every time we would all go out, and Ace to almost max out his credit card in a short trip to our favorite sports store.

And it worked perfectly for me, until now.

I was certain that Ace, or any of the guys for that matter, would resort to any possible trick to see me crushed. Trying to get me drunk, slipping me a pill, pheromones, or who knows what fucking maneuver to get me to lose the bet.

But giving in wasn’t in the cards for me that night, especially since my reputation and my crown were both at stake.

Much easier said than done since the evening was preparing me for the last surprise I could ever think about. I couldn’t even call it a surprise, more like a shock as I noticed an all too familiar presence being introduced to me by Ace, ‘My man, I brought you the victim for tonight.’

Fuck, I was supposed to resist Mouse for the night!

Chapter 2

Iwas in some serious shit. Not because I wouldn’t normally keep it in my pants for a night, but because I managed to genuinely fuck things up even before the clock started ticking for me to begin my penalty.

I failed to stick to my plan of not having a glass or two... ok, a bottle in my case. My parents just had fight #659 of the year and judging by my mother’s attitude, they were far from getting over it.

It was probably money again. Even though they tried to hide things from me, I was too familiar with the subject. Love does seem to look inside the wallet first, and both of their wallets were empty.

Almost a whole bottle of whiskey had run down my throat before Ace returned from wherever the fuck he had gone. The problem was that he and the other guys didn’t return alone. I was expecting an instant-boner type of girl, and yes, I was even ready for something like that. But I wasn’t ready for Mouse to be my company throughout the night.

‘Let’s go into the guesthouse, there are too many people here,’ I just turned to walk to the back of the garden where Jason’s summer house could have provided us with the privacy we needed to discuss the fine prints of our plan. You could guess who was first on my list, ‘I need to have a word withherfirst.’ I pushed the entry door open for only my new toy to come in.

‘Just don’t touch her,’ Acegenerouslywarned me so that I wouldn’t do anything that could jeopardize my chances of winning the bet. In reality, he was praying to all saints that I would fail.

‘Only if she asks nicely,’ I let out a final smirk before closing the door behind me and Mouse. I was ready to finally receive some fucking answers. ‘What are you doing here?’ I muttered menacingly enough to scare a confession out of her. Though she seemed even more confused than I was about this weird coincidence... If that was all it was to it... a coincidence.

‘What am I doing here, what?’ She had no idea what she’s got herself into.

Maybe it was time we both found out.

‘Mouse, I asked you a question,’ I needed some fucking elucidation.

But all she could give me was a faded whimper, ‘I’m here for the Pleasure.’

No matter how badly I wanted to find out how was it exactly that we both ended up playing this game, Ace’s patience was nonexistent, ‘Man, I hope you’re not fucking her. That wasn’t our agreement, and I’m not paying for that.’ Despite hisfairwarning, he was eager to catch me on the wrong foot, and I wasn’t going to give him that opportunity.

‘No, not yet,’ I answered, trying to imprint the words into my own mind, and somehow believe them. I could go through a whole night without getting into Mouse’s panties... right?

Next thing I knew, Nick and Jason practically rolled through the door. And if I didn’t get any answers from Mouse, then maybe I could get something out of Ace. I had a few things that I needed to discuss with him — in private. ‘Next room, now.’ I didn’t even wait for the door to completely close before I was asking him for answers, ‘Why did you bring her here?’

How the fuck could he possibly know that she was one of the few people that could raise my interest?

Did I let something slip?


Plus, she wasn’t even that important. More like a name that I didn’t get to cross off my list yet.

Despite my mind racing everywhere to try and find a logical explanation, Ace seemed to be much more surprised by my question than I was expecting. ‘Her?’

He had no idea what I was talking about. He probably didn’t even recognize Bea from the Academy. And how could he? We never even look at the opposite side of the hallway.

I needed to create a diversion, at least until I could go through with the bet, ‘Couldn’t you find one less attractive? This bitch is going to give me blue balls by the morning.’