Page 177 of The Book of Kings

I didn’t give her an exact hour to come to my place. Mostly because I was worried she would be late and push a few of my buttons. I might have been trying to act better around her, but that didn’t mean that my temper wasn’t surfacing from time to time.

For some strange reason, I was nervous, like I was down to my last chance of happiness and I couldn’t afford to screw things up this time around.

Funny how I used to think I wouldn’t need this kind of happiness. Maybe the one brought by money, or rank, but never one brought by a woman.

I was waiting for her in the living room when she arrived. One of my men let her in as I was busy reading a report on my smartphone. It was the last business I was doing for the night before she would get me all to herself. And strangely, I was comfortable with the small interruption in plans as I realized I was in exactly that same place as I was when she walked in on the first night she came to visit me at my house.

I could hear her walking towards me as my eyes were uselessly scanning the reports from the new club. Despite that it was something I had been waiting for all day, the numbers made no sense anymore.

I stood up, glancing in her direction to see her wearing the dress I chose for her again.

Perfection. That was all I could think about, noticing the way the material clung to her forms. ‘This was exactly what I imagined when I picked out this dress.’ I had to spin her around to admire the flawless image.

‘So, are you saying that last time it didn’t look that good on me?’ She was joking around, asking for a compliment. It was a womanly thing, but I refused to comply.

‘I can’t even rememberlast time.’ More like I didn’twantto remember last time, but I did, and needed perfection this time around. ‘Lucia, you can serve dinner.’

I pointed my gaze towards the table for two waiting for us in the corner. It was an identical recreation of the one I shattered... a recreation that I had no intention of splattering on the floor.

Our mistakes had led to a moment in our life being stolen away and it was our right to relive it.

I walked her to the table, pulling her chair so she could take a seat.

‘Is this all for me?’ Her question was amusing me.

‘No, it’s only for presentation. We’re having Chinese takeouts in the back of one of my vans.’ I couldn’t hold back some of my sarcasm.

‘Such a waste of a dress then.’ She let out a delicious giggle.

‘Don’t worry, the dress will be somewhere on the front seats of the van by the time we even get to unwrap the chopsticks.’ I was never an expert at controlling my hormones, even if I made it out as a joke.

‘Hmmm. I see you don’t waste any time.’ Bea observed my impatience — and my subtexts.

Although I wasn’t referring only to sex. ‘I’ve wasted enough time.’ It was about all the nights that I was trying to distance myself from her when all I wanted to do was to pull her against my chest.

I was brave enough to try and stop the unavoidable, but destiny isn’t something that you can evade too easily.

However, I wasn’t ready to share that with Bea yet. I needed baby steps when it came to building relationships, and that was exactly why, for a second, I froze. I was admitting my mistakes and I wasn’t yet ready to do that.

Luckily my maid saved me, announcing dinner and as soon as it was served, she was dismissed.

Bea didn’t seem to be too fond of the seafood that was on the plate in front of her, probably because it was a delicacy not many afforded around these parts. But as soon as she caught on to my little secret and discovered my chef’s qualities I could read the culinary ecstasy on her face. Or maybe it was just the melting desire brewing beneath her dress as I noticed several times during our meal her thighs squeezing together like she was making extraordinary efforts to remain in her seat.

An astonishing tension was vibrating between us with every bite in which I would like to replace the taste of food with the one of her body.

Still, I didn’t want to rush things, and right after dinner I was prepared to serve dessert. But it seemed I wasn’t the one rushing things. It was Bea, offering to join me into the kitchen where I was to pull two frozen Creamy Mochas out of the fridge.

I’m not usually a dessert guy, but I did like anything with coffee so I made a compromise. Bea however seemed to complain about the caffeine. Still, she didn’t complain about my plan for the next hours, ‘Caffeine is good... I plan to keep you up for a while.’

I could see from her lustful gaze that I was pushing the right buttons. She wanted the gentleman Brax out of the picture as badly as I did. But an out-of-the-blue opportunity made him stick around for a while.

One of Bea’s favorite songs was playing on the TV I had in the kitchen and I couldn’t hold myself back from asking her for a dance.

She wanted a fairytale and I was giving her one, at least for the night. She would learn with time that real-life princesses don’t dream of suave kisses. They dream of holding onto crumpled bedsheets as they scream for more.

The song’s lyrics were as if written especially for me, raising a smile on my lips while looking at the way her hand was nestled in mine.

I never knew I was alive until I met you,