Page 169 of The Book of Kings

The meeting didn’t last long, and anyway I pretended to be in a hurry so I could leave with having minimum contact with Bea.

There was something wrong with me whenever it came to her.

Her attitude was making me either urge to put a bullet between her eyes or gag her and tie her to my bed.

For the next couple of weeks I managed to stay away.

I did meet with Ferris and Cole regularly as we needed to keep up with the plan, but I tried avoiding the trips to the mansion as much as possible.

Luckily, it wasn’t that hard. My days were occupied with politics anda little side projectI was preparing, while my nights were dedicated to business.

I even up ended up sleeping in one of my offices, so as just not to waste the few extra minutes of sleep with driving back home. Okay, I might have had a small ulterior motive for not going to my house — the bed. My fucking bed was haunting me with the memory of her body quivering beneath mine. Her scent seemed to have been imprinted even on the walls, making a few hours of rest almost impossible in that room.

That’s why I couldn’t deal with that part of my life... that earth-shattering sensation that was getting stronger each day, even if I was lying to myself that I could ignore it. But I needed to ignore it for as long as I could, hoping that I could solve the list of pending problems before I would completely lose it. The incoming elections were my closest goal, even though I felt was working on borrowed time to see them through.

Sooner or later I needed to settle things with Bea... and I had no idea how badly fate was going to fuck up my plans once again.

I was at my club, reading through some campaign documents when my guards announced to me that Bea just passed the front door and was heading my way.

For a second my mind froze, trying to prepare me to deal with her arrival.

Funny, I never needed preparation with any other person before, but when it came to her it seemed I needed a whole month’s advance notice.

‘Your guard told me it was okay to come in.’ She pushed the door open as I just downed a glass of whiskey.

‘Come in. The guards out front already announced to me that you were here.’ I was never one to avoid eye contact, but it seemed I needed to do it with her, like a direct look into her eyes would manage to draw me into those deep green orbs that matched my own.

‘I wasn’t aware that I was a celebrity,’ she smiled in an almost seductive tone... Or maybe I was just imagining things.

‘It isn’t every day that someone comes uninvited to invade my space.’ In fact, I hadn’t been receiving unannounced visits for a while. She was always the exception, especially since the curiosity about what she was doing there was killing me. Something was off. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but she looked awfully familiar, like I’ve lived through this moment before.

‘Is that what I’m doing? Invading your space?’ She asked, taking a small tour of the room, walking around with sensual steps.

By that time I had called bullshit on thenot looking into her eyesattempt. I was fucking lost staring at her, carving the beautiful features of her face deep within my mind. I wanted her to stay there for as long as she could, like a beautiful painting added to my luxury collection, especially since that was her role in my life — a piece of art added to my collection. I couldn’t dismiss that thought, but most importantly, I couldn’taffordto dismiss that thought.

Still, I was on a tight schedule and as much as I wanted to, I couldn’t allow her toinvade my spacefor more than a few minutes.

And I needed to let her know that. ‘Not for long. I have a meeting in a short while.’

‘Should I leave, then?’ she asked, knowing full well that she was playing with fire.

‘What you should do is let me know next time when you’re coming. My schedule is over the top these days with organizing the elections,’ I muttered, refusing to play into her game, and even seeming to interrupt it since the wordelectionsraised her interest. She was interested to know how things were progressing, so I made sure to satisfy that curiosity. Though not without her pissing me off. She cared to mention thesacrificesshe had to make for family and the greater good.

Strange how me fucking her was a sacrifice, yet there she was coming to my office uninvited, batting her eyelashes at me. Which brought me to my next question, ‘What are you doing here anyway, Bea?’

‘I haven’t seen you around lately.’ She was contradicting herself. Either she was making sacrifices just being in the room with me, or she wanted to see me. It couldn’t work both ways.

But I needed to let her figure that out on her own.

‘I’ve met with Ferris several times during these last few weeks. I just didn’t consider I should look you up. Especially since you specifically asked me to leave you alone.’ I distinctly remembered that moment when she had asked me to leave, just after I walked into hell to get her out of the governor’s mansion.

Still, it seemed she reverted to a more generous attitude. Maybe finding out in the meantime how things really went had something to do with that. ‘Yeah, about that... I was still in shock,’ she was admitting she was wrong.

However, I didn’t fully believe her story. ‘I already figured that part out. So what, now you’ve recovered?’

‘You could say that... I’m just accepting what you have done for me... after what you did to me.’What I did to her...I took a drag out of my cigarette.

How about what she fucking did to me, turning my whole life upside down?