Page 154 of The Book of Kings

‘Just pour some disinfectant and put another bandage over it,’ I felt I needed to give her instructions, especially since she didn’t seem to know what she was doing.

‘Do you want me to stay? To help you?’ She was acting like I was crippled.

I just fucked her ass off. She should have known better that I could handle things by myself.

‘It’s enough that you get me to fuck you in my house. You don’t get to sleep in my bed, Bea.’ The offer to remain was for the first night only. I wasn’t going to get chased out of my own bedroom one more time. Besides, I could barely walk.

‘I could have slept on the couch. I don’taimto sleep in your bed as you may recall. I only wanted to help you, but I guess you don’t need my help except when it involves your dick, do you?’ she sounded pissed off. In fact, just enough to get her to leave the second she was dressed.

‘Goodnight, Brax,’ she muttered, slamming the door behind her, and leaving me there without me even saying a word.

I handled things perfectly, finding a balance between satisfaction and ignorance and letting her become what she was meant to be all along — a toy.

I closed my eyes holding on to that thought. I wasn’t sure if I fell asleep or just lost consciousness for a while, but I was finally getting some much-needed rest. Besides I had a feeling that things were about to get stormy soon, and I was going to find myself in the middle of it.

The day of rise or fall had come and I somehow managed to drag my ass out of bed and attend Bea’s small get-together. Not that I didn’t already knew how it was going to end. I guess we all did, making a tacit pact of keeping things with Bea just the way they were. Besides, as Ferris himself admitted, we received the same deal, hence the samespecial treatment.

Ideas began flowing like we were at a brainstorming session, but at least we eventually got something out of it. We were on the right track coming up with a plan. Things were pretty simple… for everyone else except me. While Cole was sounluckythat he needed to gather information at aparty,Ferris was signing the checks to keep the flow going, and I was blessed with the task of keeping the fucking Annelids under control and negotiating with their leaders.

I had no idea how was it that I always ended up drawing the short straw. Maybe because I was the only one able to handle things when they got rough. And I was definitely the only man in that room prepared to see my tasks through the end and to get our plan to work.

One thing was sure. The Governor was our starting point and we would work our way around him. He was the one organizing the plan of enslaving the Annelids and that made him first on ourChanging the worldlist.

At least I was getting something, except my deal with Bea, out of it. We were aiming for the keys to the city with Ferris himself as the ultimate King. Well, we had our work cut out for us to get to that part, especially with his fear of leaving the house. It would be difficult. But it wasn’t impossible.

Except for Bea pissing me off with her constant desire to fix me, the night turned out pretty good. I found myself a spot in a comfy armchair as the guys and I moved on from Echo’s City problems to catch up with our lives. Bea was also on our list of things to be discussed, although going into too much detail didn’t seem to agree with Ferris. That made me abandon the subject and just decide that we could do whatever the fuck we wanted when it came to our individual deals.

I began working on our plan the very next day, contacting a few Annelid leaders and convincing them to hold their actions until new orders. I wished I could say I wasthatpersuasive, but Ferris’s money did most of the talking.

Bea was playing her part as well, finding a contact at the Academy who could give us access to even more Annelid rebellion groups.

She texted me the contact’s data along with aDon’t hurt him!request written in capital letters.

I wasn’t going to hurt him. I knew that much.

Maybe things falling into place, or the list of successes regarding my part of the mission were making me more relaxed than ever. Which led me to the next question.

What do I get in return if I behave?

I texted her as soon as I saw the contact’s data along with the warning on my screen.

I had no idea what made me flirt with her when I already had her in the back of my hand. But I quickly realized I had made a fucking mistake.

I already gave you everything I had —her answer, as stingy as it was real.

I had no idea what the fuck I was expecting in the first place. That she would run into my arms? Fuck, I didn’t even want that. However, herattitudewas ruining any good mood I might have had… and I only get into a decent mood once in a millennium.

I was pretty irritable for the rest of the day. Bea seemed to bring out the worst in me at times. It wasn’t even because of the cold shoulder she was giving me. It was because she was right. She offered me everything she had and somehowI couldn’t get enough.

The rest of the day was hectic, as was the one that followed. All postponed meetings came to haunt me, along with the new ones I added to my list as I agreed to the new plan. Cole was also subscribing to that list, mixing pleasure and business and suggesting he would throw a party at Ferris’a place since we needed to get together and discuss the evolution of our plan.

I wasn’t really in a party mood since I was barely moving, but I was never one to say no to alcohol and fine women. However, we did start with the business part of the evening. Just to be sure that we could still check that off the list.

When I arrived, Bea and Ferris were already in the living room where we were supposed to meet, getting all friendly with one another. At least, that was certainly Ferris’s intention because in Bea’s eyes I noticed a fading glimpse of fear.

‘Am I interrupting something?’ I asked, knowing damn well that I was. That didn’t stop me from changing their dynamic of the evening. I tried to find out how Ferris did that day since he had a meeting with that Governor to extract information.

In a way, I had an ulterior reason to stop them. I noticed the pure madness scribbled on Ferris’s lips. I knew damn well what was he capable of and I couldn’t let him hurt her.