Page 134 of The Book of Kings

I filled my lungs with as much air as I could, trying to conceal the raging strength of my internal turmoil. I knew exactly what caused it. The sense of property. She was one of my possessions, even if it was only for a limited time.

And no one ever fucking touches what’s mine!

Bea gave us everything she knew, and from what she was describing, a bigger team would be needed to make things work. That meant a lot more money coming out of my pockets than I originally anticipated, not that the sum could cause me any problems. On the contrary, it was giving me an advantage. I could raise the stakes as I found it only fair to demand a bonus prize to add to our deal.

And I was asking for it the second my men left the room.

‘You said it’s a one-time thing,’ she meowled, feeling my fingers return to her sensitive clit and picking up straight from where we left off.

‘And that it would be, although right now I would fuck you against this desk until you would cry out in happiness. Yet I only have one shot at this and don’t want to waste it. Who knows, maybe you’ll return begging for more? And still, I need a little something extra. A test to see if you’re going to keep good on your side of the deal.’ I was pushing the line just because I knew I could.

My method was incredibly simple. I wasn’t going to take no for an answer, even if my premium perks had to wait a little. I had another business meeting that was about to start anyway and I didn’t want any other interruptions on my one-on-one time with her.

My hand withdrew from under her dress as the sneak-peek of what was to follow was ending, keeping her longing for me until ‘Wednesday night, at my place,’ I said, taking a drag out of my cigarette.

‘I didn’t say yes.’

‘You don’t have to. One of my men will come and pick you up. I don’t like you walking in the Pit alone.’ I knew protecting her wasn’t part of our deal, but I didn’t need another concern on my mind.

‘Awww, I didn’t think you cared.’

That kind of sarcasm would cost her.’We wouldn’t want you to get into who knows what kind of trouble and leave me without my payment after all the trouble I put into this. Would we now?’ My tone was letting her know she was in serious trouble. ‘Now go.’ My tongue slipped between her plump lips one last time. ‘I’ll have to teach you when to open this mouth and when to keep it shut.’

I let my palm fall over the perky shape of her ass, obtaining a drowned cry out of her throat.

‘A car is waiting to take you home.’ I let her know, it was her cue to leave and she was smart enough to follow my command.

It all went on fast forward from there, only it was like I has pressed the fucking play button and poof — there went the next couple of days of my life.

I did however find time for a little something. Call me an idiot, but I did a little magic and got her a dress, even if it wasn’t exactly for her. It was for myself. She was going to wear it, especially for me.

It was finally fucking Wednesday and even if I made a promise to myself that when it came to Bea, it would only be some fooling around, I convinced myself that a nice meal couldn’t hurt anyone. Besides, I was coming after another nightmare day. I could have used some relaxation, and some fine dining.

And who was better suited to cook the perfect dinner than me?

I was no master chef but the flames running against the stainless steel had always put my imagination to use, working like a Valium on my mind and body.

My favorite seafood dish was ready in just a few minutes, and since I couldn’t be bothered with plating, I just asked the woman who takes care of my house, Lucia, to arrange the food and set dinner for two.

The dinner table wasn’t anything too fancy but the instant I walked into my living room a cold chill glided across my spine. I felt that the table of two came across as if I was trying too hard. No one would take it as just what it was — two fucking meals. It left room for too many interpretations and if that wasn’t getting on my nerves enough, seeing the minutes on the clock tick by, did.

I specifically texted Bea, telling her to meet me at 8 PM. But the 8:05 PM I was already looking at, quickly turned into 8:50 PM.

How she would regret crossing me...

I brought the phone to my ear, ready to give her a piece of my mind. To my surprise, she didn’t answer. I couldn’t believe that it was sending me to voicemail.

Since I wasn’t planning on calling her again, I decided to leave her a voice message.

You must not care as much as you pretend about your family.

I wasn’t just furious. I was way beyond that. Maybe steaming mad, maybe one step away from insanity, but all I could ever see in those moments was black.

I lit myself a cigarette, walking like a king lion trapped in a cage. That bitch was making a fool of me and that was a mistake I couldn’t allow.

I could have punched myself in the face for being such an ignorant fool. I’ve been mesmerized by a pair of pretty tits. The dinner table for two set in my living room right next to the window was living proof of that.

Without even realizing it, I found myself right next to the table, staring at the cutlery. Suddenly, I saw my own reflection in the blade of a knife, reminding myself of who I was — a man of steel, ruler of the underworld.