Page 120 of The Book of Kings

The young woman had something I liked, or maybe even more, something I craved, leaving a knot to form in my throat the instant that she raised herself to her feet and ran out the door.

Sure, I could have asked her to stay and satisfy whatever curiosity I might have had regarding her. But I managed to convince myself that the matter that brought me to the fucking warehouse was much more important than the urge that was making my pants rise with anguishing throbbing.

Businesses came before hoes, and in that second I needed to deal with Randy and not Miss. Titties.

‘Brax, I...I can explain.’ I could hear Randy stuttering like a scared young child that got caught not doing his homework.

And he should have been scared.

He should have been fucking terrified because no one should take me for a fool.

‘What happened? Did you trip and fall on top of her, crushing her against the wall?’ I snarled, trying to give him a heads up innot fucking lying to me.

Although he didn’t seem to get the picture. ‘She was just saying her goodbyes.I had to let her go today and sometimes breakups are... hard.’ Randy was either taking the piss out of me or was just a fucking moron. I couldn’t tell for sure. Either way, he was bad for business.

‘Let me tell you what happened,’ I said, lighting up a cigarette. That shithead better not take me for a fool. ‘My guess is that you made that girl an offer which she refused. Am I right?’

Randy babbled, ‘She’s just a tramp.’

‘I didn’t ask who or what she is? I only asked if I am right.’ My temper was threatening to break free, revealing how sharp the teeth that hid beneath my relaxed countenance really were.

‘Yes... But-,’ he tried to speak.

‘No fucking but’s. I don’t need your explanations or reasons. I only wanted an answer to that question, and from what I can see, you think you’re the one who calls the shots around here.’ Even if I allowed some screwing during my work hours to slip, I couldn’t let the fact that he was offering jobs in a company I owned for receiving sexual favors. It wasn’t about morality. I couldn’t care less about the subject. It was about him going against my word. About him considering me weak enough that he thought he could play behind my back.

It was about respect.

And he broke it.

‘Brax, come on... I just wanted to have some fun,’ Randy’s tone held a certain amusement. Like I was going to understand because it wasa guys’ thing. Too bad for him I wasa man! And him taking the piss out of one of my direct orders was making things clear enough for me.

Besides, I came there to convince myself about who exactly was the man ruling my facility. And the conclusion was clear — an error. I’d made a mistake choosing him, and he was an error that needed fixing.

Nothing the silencer on my gun couldn’t handle.

His next words came out fractured, cut short by the bullet that split his skull open.

I was just fixing a mistake.

Mistakes get you killed. And I planned to stick around to rule over Echo City for a while.

One of my best cleanup teams arrived even before I got to finish the cigarette I had just lit.

It was time for me to go. In fact, I should have left the second I pulled the trigger, but something was keeping me on spot.

If I could decide in a split second who lives or dies, when it came directly to my personal needs I tended to overthink things, and this time around I was in a silent conflict with myself. There was a part of me that was calling me to look at the stack of papers covering Randy’s desk and another that was urging me to get the fuck out of there.

What could go wrong with looking over some papers? ...excepteverything.

And I was one second away from making a mistake. My fingers finally ran over a small note — Bea White. I recognized it as being from accounting. We usually put pins on the paychecks we pay in cash.

No banks, no taxes, right?

Putting two and two together, it could only mean that was the girl’s name.

I should just have left it there, throw it in the fucking trashcan. But I needed a name on my plus-one invitation in a few days and things were just coming together for me. She was the missing puzzle piece I needed to complete my mission.

I closed my eyes, taking a long drag, thinking I was halfway through the pack of smokes that day. In fact, I would have thought about anything else, just not about what really needed my attention. The filing cabinet in Randy’s office.