Page 119 of The Book of Kings

My target had to die, and I, the one that would pull the trigger. That’s all I knew... all that mattered. I needed to mend my father’s mistakes and I finally found a way to get close to the man I wanted six feet under.

I postponed the decision until the evening. None of the girls I had in mind were at work anyway and I had a few other matters urgently pressing on my agenda.

Something was going on in the city. Something so important that not even I could control. The Annelids, as the Elite called all residents of the Pit, were starting to riot against the injustices they’d been subjected to through the years. And that was having knock-on effects on both sides of the barricade — including my pockets.

Our world worked one way. The Annelids produced and the Elite consumed. Things were that simple — the worker bees and the queens.

Even though I was an Annelid myself, the reality outside my window didn’t bother me. On the contrary, I’d learned to take advantage of it, trying to get hold of as many factories as I could.

I was the one who made sure the demand met the supply, with a generous profit, of course.

Only the recent events seemed to be having a negative effect on my business. Sure, the food plants were still working on track, but it wasn’t what I could have said about anything else. The Elite were cutting down their expenses, and that meant clothes, electronics, and whatever the fuck else they consumed.

That only meant I also needed to cut some of the losses and I was starting with the employees of all non-food-related factories.

I decided to spend the day checking up on the facility directors assigned to fulfill the task of letting a part of the factory-working Annelids go. I always believed that if you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself. So, there I was, going to the sixth factory that day, and the last before I would return to the club.

I left that one last on purpose. There were a few things I needed to settle with the guy I left in charge there. I’d heard some rumors about him doing things his way lately, and I wanted to check for myself if they were true.

Putting out my cigarette, I asked my driver to stop the car in an alley nearby the facility. Let’s just say I was planning a surprise visit and parking in front of the factory would have surely canceled it.

I tapped my feet on the ground, trying to get rid of the dirt my Italian shoes collected. I hated doing fieldwork and the misery in the Pit was already starting to get to me... like I wasn’t irritated enough in the first place. Nothing a good blowjob couldn’t fix. And I was about to get myself just that as soon as I got back to the club.

Huffing with annoyance, and eager to get the job done, I pushed the door to the container office open, only what I found there made my teeth clench on spot as my hand was searching for the handle of my gun.

Mydevotedemployee was using company time to satisfy some of his sexual urges, roughing up one of my factory workers against the wall in the hope to force his way into her panties.

I could have killed him that very second for ignoring my direct commands, but that would have meant also killing the girl for being a whiteness to my crime.

No unnecessary casualties — a rule I imposed on myself, therefore the killing could wait for a couple of extra minutes.

‘Ahem,’ I made him aware of my presence before he would have made an even bigger fool of himself than he already had.

My unexpected intervention made him turn to face me, giving the woman that was cramped against the wall a chance to escape him.

I was expecting her to run through the door and never look back. But instead of doing just that, she surprised me, stopping at the desk to collect a few lousy bills from the counter. That was telling me one thing — she was desperate. Though not desperate enough to remain there for a second longer. Her first move after getting the money was to run toward the door.

It all happened so quickly that she didn’t even get the chance to notice that there was something blocking the entrance — me.

Without having time for a reaction, her face crashed into my chest. The impact almost sent her to the ground.Almostbecauseshe managed to catch onto my jacket before she could hit the floor. As for the money she was holding onto so tightly, it ended up scattered all around the carpet, right at my feet.

The woman froze for a second, as her eyes raised to look at me. She was still supporting herself on my trunk — not entirely standing but not down on her knees either.

Randy might have been an ignorant idiot, but I quickly understood how it was that he laid eyes on her. The tits of a stripper and the ass of a gazelle — a dangerous combination in my book, and I wasn’t even getting started on the plump rose lips, or those large emerald eyes staring back at me like a feline that’s trying to figure out a way to run from danger.

‘Get your shit together, Randy,’ I barked, letting him know that he was in trouble. The office wasn’t a fuck-house and from what I could tell, he was picking on one of my employees. Big mistake on his part. It was like he was twisting my hand to kill him.

His gesture was a clear sign of direct disrespect, and with me overseeing it… well, that could have serious consequences. People might start to think I was weak. And weakness gets you killed in my world.

I was to deal with Randy in just a few moments but first, I just needed to see the woman gone.

‘He’s not going to hurt you,’ I muttered, reassuring her that she was safe from him. I justwasn’t so sureif she was also safe from me.

However, that was to be decided later.

I didn’t know ifshe did it because she believed me when I said that she wasn’t in danger, or because it was her last resort, but next thing I knew she was kneelingon the floor, gathering the bills scattered at my feet.

And Jesus, did I like the view from above... long chocolate curls were spilling over her breasts, making me yearn to catch them into a ponytail so I could observe the two round mounds more thoroughly.