Page 82 of Kings of Seduction

‘How could it ever be, Mouse? I want you every minute and second of the day.’

Although he was confessing exactly the opposite, Cole knew it was time to leave, so he didn’t make things even more difficult for himself. Besides, I was certain that he would find a way to make up for the lost time during our time at the Academy in the morning.

‘I really need to take notes.’ Jenna broke the silence that followed after Cole had closed the door.

‘They would do your head in. Imagine three guys with anger management issues.’

‘Well, I could use at least one. I haven’t had a boyfriend in ages.’

‘Trust me; you don’t need one.’

‘I can’t get one. At least no one decent. Hey, don’t any of your guys have some insanely hot friends?’

Her question amused me. But it was also a theme to think about. Ferris was off the list from the start, Brax was certainly a loner, except for Ferris and Cole, while my king of EMA seemed to be surrounded by dickheads. None of his friends from the Academy could fit on a list of possible boyfriends for her, and neither any other acquaintances he might have. Camden was living proof of that.

‘Their friends are mostly psychos. And I think I’m saying it in the nicest way possible. You’re better off without, believe me.’

‘I’m going to adopt ten cats and live the rest of my life locked in my apartment.’

‘Don’t be so dramatic. You’d have to get out and get a job so you can feed them.’ I started laughing, making fun of her misery. ‘Chill, I’m pretty sure there has to be a nice guy out there waiting for you.’

‘I just hope he finds me before my puss grows spider webs.’

‘You worry way too much. Let’s just focus on finishing our studies,’and avoiding a civil war— though I felt I needed to leave that part out. ‘I promise you’ll find someone nice who isn’t related to you.’

‘Hey... That cousin thing was a one-time. Besides, we’re distant relatives.’

Yeah… sure.

We continued our girl talks and giggled until dawn.

I never had the feeling of friendship so enrooted within me before. Along with that came responsibility. I felt responsible for her. I was going to help her reach every single one of her goals, even if I had the feeling that my work was cut out for me.

For Jenna things were a little more complicated. Sure, she was pretty, but that wasn’t enough to compensate for the fact that she used to be an outcast at the Academy… or her Pit origins.

Maybe I was lucky when it came to that.

Not that I could ever call it luck. It was suffering and sacrifice taken to the extreme, but my actions didn’t just allow me to help my family. I was helping many others, and Ferris’s promise to hire Jenna’s dad was proof to me that it was just the beginning of the change.

I’d set the wheels in motion, and from there on, the sky was the limit.

Little did I know how dark the sky can get sometimes.

The night passed, and after a healthy breakfast... well, as healthy as bacon and eggs could get, Jenna and I got inside the limo and headed toward our destination for the day— the Academy.

It wasn’t the first time she got a ride in the limo, but this time around, she seemed to enjoy it more than usual. Probably because of the red coat she wore so proudly the second she stepped foot on the ground.

I smiled, giving her the confidence she needed. Maybe she would find a prince charming after all. In so many ways, she was just like me. Same background, same type of introvert, and similar evolution. A girl from the Pit dressed in shiny new clothes, ready to face the world.

Her ginger hair was darker in the winter, almost by a couple of shades, making Alfred confuse us from behind earlier in the morning, especially since she was wearing my clothes. So similar that we could be sisters. I was sure that there was already gossip floating around the Academy that probably my mother had some sort of fling with her father. People around there watch far too many soap operas.

Not that I cared.

We just needed to get to classes in time, but Jenna ran into Thomas and decided to spare a few more minutes and talk to him.

He’d been avoiding us since we migrated to the other end of the lobby, and despite my efforts in getting him to join us, he decided to keep his distance.

I was preparing to go to Economics. Jenn and I shared the class, and I kept thinking about how I should convince her to come with me so we didn’t miss it.