Page 72 of Kings of Seduction

‘You do need to be punished for your past actions.’ I let the bed sheet fall, then slowly, and I meanslowly,went on to search for my dress.

‘Don’t tempt me. I never was one to follow orders. So, your chances of success are pretty low. While mine...’

‘Yours are to get dressed and go to work.’ I gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. He might not know it yet, but I had every chance of succeeding.

‘You’re only safe because I’m pretty sure something’s gonna catch on fire if I don’t leave right now. But that doesn’t mean I’m done with you. I’ll make you pay.’ His threat was arousing me much more than making me fear him.

‘If my payment will be a repeat of last evening, then I can’t wait.’ I wrapped my arms over the black ink of his shoulders, rushing to give him a make-up kiss.

I couldn’t afford to have a mafia boss be angry at me, could I?

‘There will be many oflast eveningand many more oflast nights.You have my word.’

I knew what that meant. His word weighs more than money in our world. It was about the one thing he valued most— honor.

We both needed to leave, and if my intention was to look for Cole, the moment I arrived back at Ferris’s mansion, I understood that I should look no further. His car was parked outside, and I was to find him in the level-one main room.

‘I’ve been worrying about you, and you’ve been here all along?’ I muttered, seeing both him and Ferris playing on the PlayStation.

‘Brax told me you were going to see him. I didn’t want to ruin your evening.’ Cole stopped the game, throwing his gamepad on the couch next to him.

That seemed to also ruin Ferris’s game. ‘It couldn’t wait one minute? I was kicking his ass.’

‘The fuck you were.’ Cole turned off the TV, throwing the remote control next to the gamepad and letting his head fall on the couch’s backrest.

He was not in good form, and I didn’t exactly know how to handle the situation.

Luckily, Ferris decided to save the day. ‘Can you go and see if Sebastian still wants to go to the auto showroom?’

‘Shit, I forgot all about that.’ Between everything that was going on, I was neglecting my family.

‘Don’t worry, I got you covered.’ Ferris insisted on playing hero.

‘You’re going outside the mansion?’ I was a little shocked that he would willingly leave the estate without a blade weighing above his head.

‘I don’t need to go outside the mansion to do that.’ He gallantly winked, turning the TV back on.

I was forgetting all about his own private auto show.

‘Rematch.’ Ferris threw the gamepad back to Cole as I left to prepare my brother for the grand garage tour.

While Seb was getting ready, I also showered and changed. The black dress I still had on from my dinner with Brax was a little too much for a normal night, even for Ferris’s chateau.

I replaced my outfit with a baby-doll dark violet dress. I already felt like I was suffocating since there was a slight chance I would find a solution to Cole’s problems. I felt constrained enough that I couldn’t do much to help him, so I didn’t want to also feel constrained by any clothes.

Ferris and Cole were in the same room when I returned with Sebastian. They were just finishing off another video game, although it was much more similar to a game of supremacy than just simple entertainment.

‘Eat shit, sucker. The Coleminator is ruling this show.’ Cole was the one rubbing the victory in Ferris’s face.

And my king of darkness didn’t seem happy about being defeated. ‘You only fucking won because my mind was occupied with the thought of taking Sebastian to the garages.’

‘Fuck off, you’re just a sore loser.’ Cole shut the game console off again.

‘I’m going to let this slip just because I know you’re having a bad day.’ Ferris wasn’t the type to ever be defeated, and neither was Cole. That’s what you get when putting two alpha males into a room. Lucky Brax wasn’t also around as well; it would have turned into a massacre.

‘I’m out of here. Let’s go, Seb.’ Ferris didn’t wait for a reaction from Cole; he just took my brother and walked out the door.

We were left to drift in a burdening silence, looking at each other and expecting the other to speak first.