Page 59 of Kings of Seduction

I didn’t even notice we had arrived like I didn’t even recognize my own room, blinded only by my insanely charming king.

And a smile appeared, wickedly tugging at the edge of his lips as he leaned towards me.

He was going to kiss me. Then he was going to say some cheesy line, and I was going to fall prey to his mastered skills of seduction.

Yes, that was perfect!

That was the plan!

‘Bea, are you okay?’ He was bringing me back to earth, recognizing exactly what effect he had on me.

‘Y...yes,’ I mumbled, still waiting for him to make a move. Anything to make mefallfor him.

I was so willing to fall!

‘I know I said two days.’ He leaned even closer. ‘And I think you got your answer.’ He drove his mouth on mine in slow motion, asking my lips for permission to move against them.

This was so untypically Brax that it completely took me by surprise. I kept waiting for him to speed up the pace and do some magic trick. Lift me on the wall, break the door open, and heal the scars that he caused with hundreds of tormenting kisses.

Instead, I could see his eyes opening as he was slowing down the rhythm, preparing to stop. ‘Goodnight, Bea. I’ll see you tomorrow.’

What in God’s name was he doing?

I watched him turn and walk back to where he came from, leaving me to stare at his shadow disappearing down the hall.

He was taking thedoing the right thingliterally, and it seemed that no matter what I would do, I always ended up losing in front of him.

He was giving me a lesson in manners as my greatest curse was coming alive —I had turned Brax into a gentleman.

Chapter 13

Torment. That’s all I could say about that night since all my thoughts were leading me to Brax’s chamber.

I knew there wasn’t a chance in hell I would go there. It would be a huge setback at a time when I couldn’t allow any mistakes, especially since I just crossed the finish line… at least the one regarding my kings, because when it came to ruling the city, we still had a long road ahead.

If over the previous days, I had managed to avoid all Academy interactions, it was time to face the world again.

I only took comfort that I wasn’t alone. Jenna seemed to be eager to greet me the second I set foot out of the limo. ‘Who is this?’ She waved a newspaper in front of me.

I don’t even remember when I last saw a newspaper. Everyone in the Hills had phones these days.

‘Where did you even buy that?’ I asked, amused and intrigued by what the piece of paper may hold.

‘We still have a few newspaper stands in the Pit. I spent my allowance for the day on it,’ she let out an involuntary truth. Her money situation hadn’t improved, but she was too proud to take any more help from me. I didn’t have much money myself since Ferris usually made sure I had everything I needed, but I could still find a way to help her out— if she would let me.

‘Let me see that.’ I snatched the newspaper to find a familiar face right on the front page.

I… well, Brax and I, stepping on the red carpet together.

One of the paparazzi from last night must’ve sold it to the newspaper. Just what I needed, even more attention pointed at me.

‘You have to tell me all about it.’ Jenna seemed much more excited than I was about that level of exposure. ‘Who is he?’

‘You don’t know who this is?’ A voice from behind me seemed surprised by her lack of tabloids’ up-to-date.

‘Well, of course, I know who this is. It’s written here in the newspaper — an important Pit entrepreneur, known as Brax.’ Jenna turned to scold Thomas since he was the one sneaking in on us.

‘Yeah, right, entrepreneur,’ he cackled, ‘in the mafia enterprise.’ Thomas probably considered himself funny.