Page 57 of Kings of Seduction

‘Who’s the lucky woman?’

‘Someone who talks way too much and asks too many questions. And someone who will be in her flannel pajamas back home in the next ten minutes if she doesn’t shut up.’ The old Brax wasn’t completely gone. It would take sometimeto chisel him into something closer to a gentleman. I just hoped thattimewould mean during this lifetime.

In response, I just pouted, turning my back on him to look out the window. I thought I could succeed in getting to him that way, when in fact, I was providing him with what he wanted. One of his arms ran down my waist, gluing me to the side of his chest, where I remained in silence for the rest of the ride.

We ended up in the Pit again, at a location I’d never seen before. The building seemed to be the oldest around, judging from the architecture, yet renovated to majestic glamour. It was reminding me much more of the Hills than the bottomless pit we were at, and I was surprised I didn’t notice it earlier in any of the months I lived there.

I took another look around me, recognizing the place. I used to pass by it every day on my way to the Academy, but I could’ve sworn that the building wasn’t there before, or at least it never caught my attention.

I was expecting a few rusty vehicles and some cabs at best, yet the boardwalks were crowded with luxury cars and even a few limousines like the one we were in.

Incredibly strange for the Pit.

‘This is our stop,’ Brax announced, then helped me get out of the car, straight onto a red carpet.

‘What’s this?’ I asked, seeing a few paparazzi rushing to take pictures of us.

‘The grand opening.’

Brax’s half-sentences were leaving me even more confused, as usual. ‘Grand opening to what?’

‘My new club,’ he answered just as we walked inside, stepping into a whole different world. Glamorous chandeliers and mahogany-covered walls were convincing me that the place was the setting for the Great Gatsby.

‘This is so different from anything else in the Pit,’ I exclaimed, looking all around me at each architectural wonder I was discovering.

‘That’s because I wanted to bring the Hills to the Pit.’

‘Why would you want that?’

‘To make their money flow this way. If this thing works, a few fancy shops will appear here and there. That means workplaces for the Annelids and more money into the Pit. That’s how you create a new ecosystem and unbalance the old one.’

Brax had a special sense for business; I always knew that, though this plan was pure brilliance. Of course, it would bring money into his pockets, but it would also save who knows how many lives from sheer misery.

‘I still don’t understand how you got the Elite todemeanthemselves and come down into the Pit.’ I didn’t even get to finish my sentence as a part of the answer revealed itself with astonishing glory. Vintage elegant tables were displayed in an atrium shape right in front of a stage carefully arranged to attend the incoming show.

I just hoped theshowwasn’t the kind I usually attended with Brax.

I wouldn’t put anything past him. ‘What’s the stage for?’ I asked with exactlythatcertain tone.

Instantly, he turned his head to look my way, bursting into delicious laughter. ‘It’s a piano recital. Relax.’ He couldn’t stop laughing as he kissed the upper part of my cheek. It’s not like I didn’t have reasons to be worried— so many reasons that I didn’t even notice the grand piano on stage. Paranoia, here I come.

‘And as for the Elite,’ Brax continued our discussion. ‘This is an oasis of freedom. They’re escaping the stuck-up society clubs, coming to a very similar environment. The exception is no one judges them here.’ He showed me to a central table.

‘What doesno one judgesmean?’ I arched an eyebrow, knowing him all too well.

‘A casino upstairs and some luxury entertainment for the guests.’

‘Jesus!’ It seemed I wasn’t that paranoid after all...

‘What? I’m doing this my way. Besides, the Elite are my most loyal customers anyway. Now, I’m just extending the services. Quality entertainment in this very room, fine cuisine, and a well-stocked bar. I’ll make an all-inclusive resort out of this place pretty soon.’

‘You’re awful.’

‘Am I, Bea?’ He caught my hand between his, capturing my full attention.

Yes, he was awful and wicked and... and so seductive that I felt I was going to melt under the table.

I was in serious need of therapy.