Page 56 of Kings of Seduction

He was probably right to be amused. I didn’t even know what I was embarrassed about. He’d seen me naked on so many occasions that it shouldn’t even matter. But somehow, it did. It was like I was standing in front of a brand-new Brax, and every single one of his actions was reinforcing my thoughts.

‘I’ll play your game if that’s what you want.’ He was amused by my behavior, and I couldn’t deny that he was probably right. Still, I couldn’t help myself. It was who I was, and not even king Brax could change that.

Without warning, he started to push my pants down, taking the dress out of the box and cradling it at my feet so I slip right into it.

He was dressing me in the sexiest way possible, assuring himself that I got goosebumps from the tip of my toes to the back of my neck as he was trailing his fingertips up my skin, along with the piece of material.

It was certainly a whole different Brax. One that didn’t lack the skill of seduction. On the contrary, he seemed to have doubled that specific leverage.

‘Turn.’ He guided me to face the full-size mirror that was reflecting an earth-shattering image. The dress was superb, no doubt about it, but it was fading compared to us. The imposing presence of my king of crime, bowing his lips to rest them on my shoulder while I still held on tightly to the cups of my dress. I believe he was supposed to tie it together, though, in reality, I had no idea what was going to happen.

His plan was to go out while mine was contouring intodrop the dress on the floor.

Luckily, he saved me from myself, raising the zipper that secured my dress, then arranging the final straps over my shoulders.

Except, I wasn’t just dressed. I was wet, throbbing with an uncontrollable need for him.

‘Never thought dressing you could pose such a challenge,’ he whispered in the back of my ear, stealing the pin that held my bun together. Long chocolate strands of hair rolled over my shoulders all the way to my breasts, preparing me in just a second for a perfect night out.

‘I need to... put on some makeup,’ I babbled, bewitched and overwhelmed by the mood he was setting. Brax of all kings had a special kind of power over me. He was leaving me speechless and breathless at the same time, making longing replace all reason.

‘I’ll be out on the balcony for a smoke.’ He was giving me a few minutes to get myself together.

The reality was I needed at least a few hours to get ready for that kind of date, and he was asking me to compact all of that into just a few ephemeral moments.

Eyeshadows, blushes, perfumes, and hairsprays were leaping across the room as I was making a turn-the-table transformation. I knew better than to keep him waiting, and I didn’t want to test his patience from day one, so five... ten minutes later, I was returning to my room.

Brax was still on the balcony, probably enjoying his second pack of smokes by then. Yet, that wasn’t the first thing I noticed as I walked out of the dressing room. A sweet scent instantly caught my attention, and my eyes turned to an extra-large bouquet standing on my nightstand. I couldn’t even count the number of pink roses carefully arranged by an exquisite florist into a silent declaration of emotions. I couldn’t tell what kind of feelings Brax really hid, but it was the first time he was showing signs of being willing to take a step forward, even if that would happen in his own unique way.

‘I see you’re ready. Let’s go.’ He opened the terrace door, gesturing me to walk to the lobby while I was still sinking my nose into the bouquet, drinking in the beautiful scent of the roses.

He didn’t even look my way, let alone at the flowers, like he had no idea where they came from or how theymagicallyended up in my room.

I mused, abandoning the roses and following his lead. It was all baby steps when it came to Brax, but at least they were steps in a direction we were to follow together.

One of his limousines was waiting for us in front of the mansion— nothing too uncommon about that. But thedriveropening the door, following each step in the Code of Good Manners, snatched a giggle out of me.

The chances were that Brax instructed one of his men to act like a pro. His position didn’t leave room for errors, so being on the road unguarded, especially after those texts, wasn’t an option for either of us.

‘You still haven’t told me where we are going.’ I searched his gaze for even a small hint that would reveal his surprise. But it was Brax we’re talking about; I had more chance of finding something from talking to the car than I had from asking him.

‘Are you always this impatient? I didn’t notice that about you.’ I could feel the irony hiding in his voice.

How could I ever be impatient around him when, in the past, most of the time, I wanted to run away?

I must’ve received too many blows in the head because I still couldn’t figure out how it was that my heart twisted in pain to be with him. After all that he’d done. I couldn’t dictate my soul no matter how hard I tried, and having him change for me was opening the door of hope again.

‘You would have strangled the driver for information by now.’ I shrugged, knowing that he was the most unfit person to talk about impatience. He was always like a barrel of gun powder when it came to making him wait, if only for a minute.

At least this time, he was admitting it. ‘You’re probably right. Though not tonight. I’m planning to keep my calm this evening.’

‘Special event?’ I poked my tongue out to him.

‘You could say that.’ He was playing into my game.

‘Let me guess... Celebrating the elections or… hmmm... maybe a special date.’

‘I never did dates since gymnasium… So, if the first in adulthood is special, then so be it.’ He seemed honest about it, and I don’t think he needed too many dates with every soul entering his clubs throwing themselves at his feet.