Page 29 of Kings of Seduction

I wish I could say I rushed to save him from his monsters, but the retracing of my steps as I walked toward his bed was a strong reminder of how fundamentally broken I was when I first stepped into this place. My feet could barely advance as the realization of how close I was to following him on his path kicked in. I was becoming the temptress, driven by obscure demons to do whatever it took for the success of my plan.

Maybe I was even more devious than him since the source of his breakout was caused by blurred moments of madness, while mine was deliberate, thought out to get me to rule the game. But I needed to do it, if not for me, then maybe for him, as this seemed to be the only chance to a fractured normality at the time.

Cold beads of sweat were resting through messy strands of his fawn hair, multiplying with each shift of the mimic of his face.

I had to put an end to all of the madness, and slipping next to him, I took a seat on the bed. The movement didn’t seem to have any kind of impact on my king, but my arms wrapping over his torso did.

His eyes came wide open, staring at me as if I wasn’t really there. He was looking straight through me, or more like it, glancing directly at the source of all his nightmares.

Before I got any chance to react, he pulled out his knife from beneath the mattress, resting it on my thigh so firmly that its tip made my skin split open.

The gesture instantly brought him to reality, forcing his eyes to stare into mine with horror. Though that wasn’t enough, it was just a momentary realization while I needed him to remain with me for the long run.

Driven by madness, or maybe desperation, I overlayed my hand with his, pressing the blade further into my flesh. The pain was spreading so deeply into my senses that it seemed it was waking something within me. It was an instinct of self-preservation and, at the same time, the strangest form of arousal inflicted by the anguish that was reverberating in each one of my cells.

It had something to do with what happened in the governor’s house, with the fear and the pain I endured that day. It took me to the point that I had to accept the suffering just so that I wouldn’t completely cease to function. I guess that stayed with me, the acceptance of pain until I managed to fool myself that it was pleasure. A fucked-up repercussion of our road to victory. A road that brought me closer to Ferris’s insanity than I ever thought I would be.

The blood quickly rolled out onto his fingers, getting them to completely open, letting the knife plunge straight to the floor. The impact had a certain sound attached to it. The noise made by the blade scraping against the wood was awakening all primal senses, forcing a surge of basic instincts to rush through our veins.

In essence, we’d become so much alike, and that was all I ever needed to get my plan to work. Join him in his madness to either get him to return or forever be lost there with him. Only time could tell as the first step in this journey had been made.

Unlike anyone else, his first instinct wasn’t to get up and help me but stare at the red blood that was coating my thigh along with his fingers. No denying that he was in a slight shock, but it was something else besides that, a dark flash lurking in his eyes, waiting for the liquid to blanket my skin completely.

It wasn’t about words this time; they seemed useless in front of the connection of our bodies. Though almost silent sounds were escaping him as the realization of what happened was gradually sinking in. He was still caught somewhere between his nightmares and earthshaking reality, and the few grunts that evading his lips had to be shushed. My finger rushed to keep them shut as the red trace of my blood came as a seal that brought his ultimate silence.

I leaned to kiss the path I just marked, feeling his pulse racing with incredible speed. It was slow at first, taking him by surprise, allowing the sensual fusion of our souls to bring back all lost memories. And even if it was a show I put on display solely for him, I couldn’t avoid the effects it was also having on me.

It felt heartwarming and excruciatingly painful at the same time, and I wasn’t talking about a physical level. I was floating somewhere between building or breaking him, and no matter the result, I was the one who would bear the scars.

For Ferris, it was seduction in its purest form, and that was bringing him exactly where I wanted. If, in the past, he was obsessed with me needing him, this time he would be the one that needed me. I was certainly going to make sure of that.

Sneaking my tongue in search of his, I slid my leg over his waist, straddling his torso between my thighs.

Probably realizing I wasn’t wasting time on patching my wound up, his hand slipped to cover the cut as I was arching to feel the strength of his arousal. He was as caught up in the moment as I was, and with each swing of my hips, his coal eyes grew hungrier and his lips intensified their strength.

We couldn’t be kept separated any longer.

With his hands firmly clasped on my thighs, sending a rush of pain to storm through me, I pushed his boxers aside along with my panties and slowly lowered myself to take him.

It was like stopping time for a second, and despite the detached attitude I was reaching for, my mind got caught up in exactly what I was doing.

We were together again, joined in an ephemeral moment that was sending me so quickly back to the foolish girl that first entered his room all those months ago.

Funny, how I still felt I belonged to that place and implicitly with him. Yet as an irony of fate, I didn’t quite feel complete without the other two kings in my life.

Unable to let my mind trail that way, I shook my head, focusing on the instant. The pleasure was flowing within me in warm waves, foreseeing delirious moments of ecstasy.

I was taking from him what I needed, the same way they all took from me what they wanted. He was the tool of my desire, except, completely opposite than in my case, he was happy to be used. I could see that in the satisfied smirk tingling the corners of his lips as each one of my moves was completed by the strength of his palms that were guiding my body.

All I could feel was him and I joined into the purest moment of intimacy as my hips instinctively kept searching for that pleasure that would soon be ripping through me.

I looked down on him, gazing at the deep pools of his eyes, trying to live through the pain and let the full effect of his intrusion create the enchanted spell that each time pulls me back into his universe.

I think I wished for himself to be free, but all I was succeeding in was freeing his monsters, inviting them to join me and dance in the lights of the orange flames coming from the fireplace.

I felt him feral, living just for the thrill, moving from underneath me with a pace meant to drive us both into the waves of ecstasy.

The sound of our breaths was filling the room, faster and faster, spreading with the pace of our heartbeats. I wanted him in ways words couldn’t describe, and from the deep groans escaping his lips, the feeling was mutual. He was slipping between shock, rupturing pleasure, and devilish joy as his palms clenched once again on my thighs. It was clear that he couldn’t contain himself any longer, and the truth was, I couldn’t either.