Page 20 of Kings of Seduction

I, for one, was definitely impressed with him. The black leather jacket that made me want to melt under its scent, a pair of black ripped jeans, and a t-shirt that perfectly molded against his gym-worked body; all those combined could be the new tux replacement in my book because he looked fan-fucking-tastic.

I just wasn’t sure if I was dressed okay, or at least okay for where we were going. ‘I didn’t know what to wear.’ I tried excusing myself, and I didn’t even know what for.

‘What you’re wearing is perfect. You look pretty hot, Mouse.’

‘Yeah, Alfred just pulled me out of the oven.’

‘And funny. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.’ He pressed the car’s start button but stopped for a second before we pulled off to look at me.

‘So, where are we going?’

‘Where I promised to take you.’ He was already driving away from Ferris’s mansion.

‘Pizza or burgers?’ I asked since I wasn’t exactly sure which one of those two he had chosen.

‘You said burgers. Don’t tell me I cleared out a whole restaurant for nothing.’ He seemed dead serious, although Iknew betterthan to believe him.

‘You didn’t.’

‘No, I didn’t. I just wanted to see what you would say. I don’t want to hide you. I’m not the type to be afraid of competition.’ He seemed to be in an extremely good mood. So good that I could barely recognize the Cole I first met at EMA in the man that was sitting next to me.

We kept riding downhill until we almost reached the line between the Hills and the Pit. Pretty close to where The Pleasure Room was located.

Our destination was a location I’d never seen before. It was similar to a diner, and judging by the cars parked outside, most of the clients must’ve come from the Academy.

‘I didn’t even know this place existed,’ I murmured, letting Cole escort me out of the car and into the restaurant.

‘Call it the Elite fast-food restaurant. It’s different from the usual Michelin restaurants, but that doesn’t mean the junk food isn’t exceptional.’ He seemed pretty excited about the place.

‘I hope I’m not getting caviar burgers.’ I was expecting anything when it came to the Hills residents.

‘Nah, they took those off the menu a while ago.’

‘You’re kidding, right?’

‘Not exactly, but it wasn’t a burger. It was some starter. And I think they still have it if you wanna give it a try.’

‘No, thanks.’

‘Okay, burgers and fries it is.’ His palm ran on the small of my back, showing me to a booth right in the center of the diner.

Every single pair of eyes were locked in on us as if some celebrities had just walked in. I should’ve gotten used to the attention by now, but it still made me feel uncomfortable doing everything under that much close supervision.

‘You couldn’t get a table in a corner?’ I couldn’t keep my mouth shut on this one.

‘Picky much?’ Cole raised his eyebrows to let me know I was probably acting like the Elite. ‘I don’t want to hide you. I want to show you off. Besides, I was under the impression you didn’t care about what everyone thought.’

‘Yeah, but I can’t exactly stuff my face while they’re looking.’

‘Oh, so that’s what it’s all about? You’re afraid you’ll get your fingers dirty, and they’ll notice? You can do whatever the fuck you want; just act by this rule, and everything will be just fine. I promise.’

He made a point. This is what he was guiding himself on. Just do whatever the fuck he wants, and the world would fall at his feet. I guess that’s why we rushed to order half of what was on the menu, literally stuffing our faces with everything that I had missed over the past few weeks— at least, I had an excuse for doing it.

‘Better now?’ Cole asked as I pushed away a banana split that had no chance of finding room in my stomach.

‘I think you tried to kill me.’ I looked at him, defeated by the earlier food challenge.

‘Let’s go, drama queen. I know a cozy place where you can recover from my murder attempt.’