Page 18 of Kings of Seduction

And the truth was that I couldn’t, especially with the motive behind his invitation still being a mystery to me. I mean, why would he give up the payment he got out of the deal just to go through all that trouble to get to the same result— sex.

Was he serious about wanting the experience, the dating, and whatever comes of it?

He had to be.

It was the only thing that could make sense. Though there was an aspect that wasn’t too clear to me. ‘If you want to do this... see where things go, then what about Ferris and Brax?’

‘What about them?’ he asked as if them still being in the equation was normal.

‘I still have deals with them that imply...’ I didn’t go on. Just couldn’t really say it out loud.

‘Having sex with them. I know. I told you that you were a prude; you can’t even say the words out loud.’

Maybe I was because I didn’t seem to be able to say anything elseout loud.

‘I told you how I see Ferris and Brax. They’re like a part of me. I’m not against an open thing.’

‘Thingas in relationship?’ I needed to clear things up.

‘Yeah, whatever you say.’ Apparently, the word didn’t really fit into his vocabulary.

‘So, I get it that you’re the prude when it comes to emotions and interacting.’ I was pointing the finger the wrong way because so was I.

‘I’m not a prude; I just don’t like labels.’

‘You don’t like labels when it comes to you because you label all the rest: Annelids, nerds, the Herd, your girlfriend, whom you don’t have a relationship with...’

‘I’m king there. I can do and say whatever I want.’

‘Exactly my point.’

‘Is this our first real fight? Because I’m sure that I want the make-up sex.’ Despite being unable to label what we were going for, Cole did seem to know how relationships work— at least the parts he was directly interested in.

‘Get out of my bed.’ I giggled, pushing him further between the sheets yet still lazing around next to him for a couple of extra moments.

‘You have to be at the Academy in twenty minutes.’ He stretched his hands and feet, finally getting out of bed to get dressed.

‘Me? What about you?’ I asked, convinced from the way he spoke that he was skipping classes again.

‘I’m going to the Government to see what my dad is up to and help Ferris prepare for an interview.’

‘Is he ready for what’s coming next?’ I asked, not really sure about what Ferris had been doing lately. We had those brief meetings, but since I didn’t want him around, I didn’t rush to ask him what was really going on with him. Plus, my recovery time was soon coming to an end, and I was certain that the nights spent in his room were getting closer than I had imagined. In a way, I even wanted to go there. For too many nights, I clung to my sheets not to follow the sounds of his misery. His nightmares had returned; I could sometimes hear his screams. I couldn’t help but feel responsible for my plan having sent him back into the past. Though I couldn’t do anything to support him. I just kept telling myselfmaybe tomorrow,hoping thattomorrowI’d find my strength and confront his demons once again.

But tomorrow never comes.

Cole also shared my concerns regarding Ferris’s current mental condition. ‘I’m not sure if he’s ready, but we’ll be there to make sure he’s up for it. We’ll back him up.’

For such a jerk with everyone else, Cole was totally different when it came to Ferris or Brax. It was like he was keeping all understanding and support he should have had for the rest of the world only for his two besties.

‘I’m going to leave before I’ll be late. I’ll come pick you up at seven.’

‘Wait, you want to go out on a date today?’ I was slightly shocked, feeling like I needed more time to prepare myself for this... at least a century or something like that.

‘When else? Just wear something short, so I can reach second base.’ He cackled, pulling up his black jeans and preparing to leave the room.

‘Who knew you’re also a comedian?’ I snarled, turning my back on him and pulling the quilt over my head.

‘Okay, then let’s settle that now.’ Cole raised the cover just so he could sneak a hand beneath the sheets and pinch my bottom. ‘Objective reached.’ He gave me a peck on the head, even if I was still hiding between the pillows. ‘Now I really have to go. I need to drop by my house to change, and I’m already late because of you.’