Page 12 of Kings of Seduction

‘I was just proving a point, don’t get excited over something that won’t happen.’ The devil within him was coming out to play while my body decided to go rogue on me. The same impossibly arousing sensation was pulsing in my veins while he spoke. ‘You’re just afraid of the idea of sex, even though you like it much more than you let yourself believe.’

Jesus, it was like he was peeking directly at what was going on in the deepest corners of my mind.

‘So, now, Mrs. Prude, let me tuck you in before I’ll feel forced to come up with extra examples of how much of a prude you really are.’

Couldn’t quite argue with that, so before he got a chance to continue, I let him arrange me on the bed and pulled the cover over me. ‘Goodnight, Cole.’

‘Nighty night, Mouse.’

At least that calmed the spirits, leaving a full night of rest to help me regather my strength.

I know I said I would wait, but the tormenting feeling of not seeing my brother since his surgery had made me stand up, trying to walk across the room first thing in the morning.

Success was on my side. I managed to reach the door, then walk back to the bed. I wasn’t going to push my luck, besides, it was enough so I could enter Seb’s room without him getting suspicious.

‘Can you please bring my makeup today?’ I didn’t even let Cole have a chance of saying hello as he walked into the room.

‘It’s nice to see you too,’ he snarled, arching an eyebrow, then throwing some notebooks on a chair that was in the room.

‘What’s that?’ I asked.

‘Your courses.’ He was still pissed off. His tone was definitely making me aware of that.

‘My Academy courses?’ I asked surprised.

‘No, your chef school courses. Of course, your Academy courses.’ He stretched me the notebooks. ‘I’ve had some students write down the classes you missed.’

‘Thank you... I don’t know what to say.’

‘Nothing. I may be forced to kill you if you open up the subject.’ Cole didn’t need words of praise, maybe just a little gratitude. But he already knew he had that. ‘I should go grab your makeup bag since you’re so determined to go see them.’

And he did just that, bringing me my makeup essentials along with a mirror.

‘I’m going to check on Ferris for a few minutes.’ He practically stormed out of the room so that he wouldn’t need to learn the basics of applying an equal concealer or foundation.

It took me longer than expected, but with a little effort, I managed to cover all bruises and signs of what really happened— including the ones on my body.

‘Shit! Are you like one of thosetake her to the pool on your first date, girls?’ Cole returned just in time for a shock as he came to discover a brand newme.

‘Well, you first saw me in the pouring rain, so that pretty much cut it.’ I could barely hold back a smile.

‘That’s not when I first saw you. It was on your first day when you were walking to the Academy.’ His eyes glared with devious under meaning, conscious that he was giving me a peek into his world.

That didn’t mean I couldn’t still play dumb for the sake of it. Having Cole confess that felt pretty good, so why not try and get another? ‘You probably didn’t even know that I existed back then.’

‘Oh, I knew, Mouse. Now, let’s go. I have some business later, so let’s get this part over with.’

Contrary to what I wanted, he didn’t let me walk to Sebastian’s room, just took me in his arms and carried me until in front of the door. If I was to be honest with myself, that was probably best since I wasn’t sure if I was ready to walk and stand for that long. But I wasn’t going to tell him that. I just played grumpy and pressed the doorknob.

‘Sebastian!’ I exclaimed, rushing to get to his bedside.

‘Sis! When did you get home?’ His happiness could barely be contained.

I hated that I needed to lie to him, but desperate times call for desperate measures, ‘Just now. I... I was on a study trip with limited phone access. I just found out about the surgery.’

‘Bullshit.’ My sister was the one calling me out as she was just entering the room.

‘What did I say about that language?’ Cole, of all people, was the one who decided to educate her. Not that it was bothering me in any way. He was one hundred percent right in his actions. I just found it a little strange that he even noticed she was cussing.