Page 10 of Kings of Seduction

Ferris decided to continue. ‘Brax freaked out when he heard through the mike that the governor had come into the room.’

‘I did not fucking freak out. And you, of all people, should not be judging me for freaking out. Or do I have to remind you what happened to the governor?’ Brax was... freaking out again, his biggest flaw exposed in front of us— he was human!

‘Both of you cut it out. Do you want us to be here until morning?’ It was Cole who was losing patience this time.

And Ferris, the one who got the message, said, ‘Okay, so Brax called all his men and busted into the mansion.’

‘But how?’ I asked. ‘Even the guards had guards there.’

I could see Brax huff in annoyance. He wasn’t going to answer, so it was Ferris’s job to clear things up, ‘He took the men that were with him in the van and walked straight through the front gate.’

‘It wasn’t straight through the fucking main gate.’ Brax somehow felt he needed to recount things as they happened. ‘There was some shooting, and I had to act quick before his guards got a chance to regroup. I had four men against two dozen, and we managed to break through the first floor before any of the back-ups came.’

That’s probably how he got the bruises and cuts on his knuckles. Though I wasn’t going to ask. Curiosity would just bring acknowledgment of want he did for me, and going into a war zone with a suicide mission danger sign was not a part of the deal he bargained for.

‘I blew those motherfuckers brains out of this world. Literally.’ Brax was going further with the story.

‘Literally?’ I couldn’t hide my surprise regarding the enthusiasm he was displaying.

‘I had to because a certainsomeonelost it and made spaghetti out of the governor.’ Brax shifted his eyes towards the person sitting on his left.

‘Ferris?’ I asked with a bitter aftertaste of what Ferris losing it really meant.

Brax cared to elucidate the mystery. ‘So, here I fucking am, trying to replace twenty-something guards with my own, wiping the house clean in less than an hour, making sure you got to the hospital okay, and keeping that piece of shit of governor alive. Then Ferris walks in, spends ten minutes in the room with that dickhead, and all that’s left of the governor is chopped meat.’

‘I said I was fucking sorry for not sticking to the plan. I... I just lost it when Cole sent me a picture of Bea from the hospital.’ Ferris jumped to his own defense since no one else would.

‘I fucking almost popped a vessel trying to contain myself from not putting a bullet between his eyes,’ Brax barked, as he still seemed pretty upset about not being the one who had ended the governor.

‘What about the body?’ I couldn’t hold backthequestion.

Apparently, it was Brax who held the answer once more. ‘I made it look like an accident. Ferris found some pictures of him playing with fire, some kind of pyro kink. So, after planting a few drugs in his bedroom, I caused an explosion so large that they would only recognize him from his dental records.’

‘And the guards? Wouldn’t people know the guards are different?’ I added.

‘No one ever looks at the guards. I just replaced them with my men. They were there just when the police came; then they scattered around the city since theiremployerwas ashes.’

‘What about the plan?’ I felt exhausted since nothing was going accordingly to what I initially thought.

Ferris took a step forward to get closer to the sofa where I was lying. ‘You know I met with the governor a few hours before you went in to see him.’

‘Yes, we decided it didn’t really matter since me going in was the new plan.’

‘Yeah... Well, it mattered because he had some supporters amongst the Elite. Like the mayor. He was one of the biggest contributors to his campaign. Luckily, I leaked a few photos to the press with both the governor and the mayor attending a... let’s just say an unconventional party.’

‘So who is running the city now?’ Things were still not adding up in my mind.

‘My dad.’ The answer came from in front of me as Cole rolled his eyes because of how things panned out. ‘He’s been temporarilychosendue to a little support from Ferris. But it won’t be long before the gambling debts will blow up in his face. That’s where Ferris steps in and takes the keys of the city into his own hands.’

‘The keys are only returning home. Isn’t that right?’ I asked Ferris since I knew about his pure royal origins.

‘I’d prefer it if they would find a new home. I don’t really want to do this.’ His answer didn’t come off as a hundred percent true. Maybe not recently, but I was sure there must have been a point in his life when he had dreamed of this position of leadership.

‘So next thing on the list, early elections. For both the governor and the mayor.’ Cole intervened again.

‘This is not exactly what we planned, but I think we could work with that.’ l let out my thoughts. We may have solved two problems in one go; I just didn’t like thinking about the price we all paid for the result. ‘We just need to find ourselves a mayor now.’

‘Not exactly,’ Brax growled, lighting himself a cigarette.