Page 89 of Kings of Seduction

With or without my will, Cole was my shadow through the dark lobbies as I was still trying to figure out what to do next.

I wasn’t truly prepared to face Sebastian or Natalie. It didn’t seem fair to bring the burden of my pain on them; therefore, my steps carried me away from their section of the mansion. That meant I ended up back with my kings, just when Brax was trying to figure out what to do next. ‘The chief inspector called. They found a weapon thrown in a trashcan a few streets away from the Academy. They’re trying to trace it, but it has its serial number deleted. I’ve sent a few of my men to look into it. They have much more chance of succeeding than the police. I just need to decide if I’m going to burn the town down until I find the one responsible for the assassination or if I should keep things low so I don’t scare him.’

‘Keep it low for a few days.’ Ferris rubbed a hand over his chin like he had the most important information to process. ‘If that doesn’t work, you can turn every corner of the town upside down. It represents an immediate threat, and we’re not going to sit around doing nothing as long as Bea is in potential danger.’

‘I don’t want any more people to get hurt because of me.’ I couldn’t help but betray my presence.

‘I’ll try to keep things as civilized as I can.’ Brax was making an effort to comfort me. I felt that he would have done anything for me in those moments. Any of my kings would have done anything, though the problem was there wasn’t much anyone could really do. It was up to me to deal with the pain and grieve my friend.It just seemed I wasn’t ready for any of that.

I still needed time to get used to the idea, as the severity of what happened had shaken my existence to the ground.

‘Do you want to eat something?’ It was Ferris who was trying to achieve the impossible, although he knew that his question didn’t have any sense.

‘No. I just...’ I guess it was time to admit the truth to everyone, including myself. I actually left the room to get away from Cole. ‘I don’t even know what I’m doing here. I just want to be alone.’

Those were the last words I spoke to my kings that day... and for the days to come.

My own room was my refuge, or more likely the place where I was hiding from the rest of the world, trying to figure out a way to live with the burden that I could have played a part in my best friend’s passing away.

Alfred helped her parents to take care of everything needed for the funeral. Money wasn’t a problem when it came to Ferris, but him personally seeing to everything that was needed at the church could have brought back anguishing memories of his parents.

Cole managed to drag me out of my room on a painful Friday. It was the day I was supposed to say goodbye, although I never imagined I would ever need to take something like that into consideration.

I never had a problem wearing black; as a matter of fact, I loved the elegance of the color. But as I was searching for something to wear, the dark representation of death was unbalancing all my emotions once again.

I had to physically let go of Jenna, even if I would never let her abandon my soul.

‘Are you ready?’ Brax’s voice broke through my silence as he began helping me lift the zipper to my dress.

‘How could I ever be ready?’ I asked with unsteady words. In a way, I wished to be like him, colder, more calculated, maybe even impassive to others’ feelings. But my friend didn’t deserve that.

She deserved my tears.

And she deserved the blood of the one responsible for her death.

Brax never answered my question, just reinforced an arm around my waist and slowly guided me towards the black limo that was waiting for us.

Cole and Ferris were already inside the vehicle, waiting in silence for my arrival. That only seemed to make things harder. In a way, I think I needed them to cuss at each other or argue over some dumb thing like the color of the limo lights. I guess I needed something to take me away from my state, but unfortunately, the day forecasted a surreal sadness. Nothing in this world could take me away from that.

I don’t even know how I ended up at the graveyard. All I knew was I was standing in a large chapel, inches away from the coffin where my friend was lying lifeless.

Strangely, she seemed at peace, more beautiful than ever, and the ombre peach roses that she was bathing in were giving her an angelic look. Ferris must’ve paid for those, as for the rest of the funeral, since no money seemed to be spared when it came to the location and decorations. But for what use? It wasn’t like she could see any of the glamour surrounding her.

I couldn’t help but look around me. All the Elite from the Academy came to see her go. Funny how none of them wanted her in their lives when she was still breathing. It was like they felt eased that she was leaving and just came to make sure she wouldn’t return.

The thought made the room begin to spin in circles, as I would have anyone from the Elite present there that day take her place. Anyone except for my kings.

Call it a six sense, but Cole crept up on me, trying to assure himself of my wellbeing. ‘It’s going to be all right. I promise you.’

‘How is it ever going to be all right?’ I couldn’t think of any future for our plan from there on. I couldn’t be responsible for another death caused by my actions.

But Cole seemed to see things a lot differently. ‘Think about all the other families like Jenna’s. We’re trying to give them a better future, or at least prevent an incoming disaster. You’re the one who taught me that. And we’re going to be the ones that will change the way this world works. How many residents of the Pit do you think would have died if the riots had continued? Or worse, if the governor’s plan had worked? I know that there’s no need to repeat this, but the benefits outweigh the losses.’

‘My best friend just died, Cole. She’s never coming back,’ I retaliated, as thelosseshe was talking about were affecting me directly.

‘And someone else’s best friend would have died if the governor’s plan would have been put into action. I know that this is hard and that it affects you, but in one way or another, we prevented many otherbest friendsfrom finding their end.’ I understood what Cole was trying to tell me, but even if I knew it was the truth, I was having trouble coming to terms with what had happened.

The minister soon arrived for the last eulogy as I felt I was doing her an injustice again. Everyone who had a special connection to Jenna took the mike to speak— everyone except me. Friends and family praised the times spent together. Even Thomas and Darrel gave a small speech while I remained motionless in my seat, even if all eyes were pointing in my direction, waiting for me to say something.