Page 79 of Kings of Seduction

‘You’re the one who decided not to see them acted on tonight. Your loss.’

‘Well, it wouldn’t have given you the chance to do the good deed I’m now supposed to pay for, would it?’

‘I was bound to remember about Jenna’s dad at some point. I wanted to tell you from the day I first found out. Just had a lot on my mind... You know I wasn’t feeling well.’ His voice was saddened, remembering what his actions did to me.

‘I know.’ I sneaked a last kiss on his cheek, getting ready to return to the real world… especially since I had company.

Ferris was also preparing to go back to his den. ‘I should get going. I don’t want to take up your girl time. And one last thing... I’m open to loans without interest. Just don’t sell any of the diamonds for the price of second-quality glass again.’ He must’ve thought he was funny, yet Jenna couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. I could see the most awkward expression rising on her face.

‘It’s okay. He’s only kidding about the diamonds.’ I tried to comfort her since she probably couldn’t make out the difference between when Ferris was serious and when he was joking. Not that he had chosen the right subject to be joking about… ‘Let’s resume the quest for the pajamas. I think there’s a bottom shelf that I didn’t devastate yet.’

I took her back to the dressing room to continue the pajamas search.

‘I can sleep in any t-shirt and shorts if you can’t find the pajamas. I’m not really pretentious.’ Jenna giggled, taking a seat on a small footstool to wait for me to find the needle in a haystack.

‘Got it.’ A new pajama set just came out to light.

Though I didn’t get to speak another word as another knock on the door interrupted me.

‘What now?’ I muttered, heading back to the room to answer.

‘What now?’ Brax raised an annoyed eyebrow the second I opened the door.

He overheard me.

‘I thought it was someone else,’ — the dumbest apology I could come up with.

‘Someone else? Were you expecting someone else?’

‘Ferris was just here.’ I shrugged. It wasn’t like me and Ferris were hiding something.

‘I’m changed.’ Jenna walked out of the dressing room, just to walk right back in the very next second. ‘Sorry.’

‘It’s okay, you can come out,’ I called to her.

Brax might be the big bad wolf, but I did manage to tame him a little in the last week or so.

‘This is my friend, Jenna.’ I tried to make some introductions, but the next second, Brax pulled me out in the lobby and closed the door behind us. ‘Well, that was rude.’

No answer.

Just a snarl right before he crashed me on the wall, driving his mouth to join mine like a tidal wave crashing on the rocks on the shore. He was asking for so much more than just the few seconds I had to spare, and if I had any doubts, he decided to vocalize his desires. ‘I had plans for us tonight.’ A certain level of annoyance mingled with the need dripping from his words.

‘I’m sorry, I didn’t know.’ I was apologizing even though I had nothing to apologize for.

Call it the Brax effect.

He had a special way in which he claimed not only my body and soul but also my time. Like I still owed him something for getting him involved in my plan and in my life.

‘I’ll make sure to be all alone tomorrow night.’ I kissed him with every vibrating cell humming within in the hopes of easing his wait, at least until the following night.

‘I don’t like to be kept waiting.’ The features that defined his position of superiority were strongly reappearing, especially after realizing the impossibility of things going his way.

‘Sometimes the prize might be worth it.’ I let the corner of my lip curve into a smile.

‘Am I getting some special treatment? Or what exactly should I get out of this?’

‘We’ll see. Depends on how you play tonight’s card.’