Page 69 of Kings of Seduction

‘I was just about to ask.’ I giggled. ‘But caffeine at this hour?’

I had a severe coffee addiction before the incident at the governor’s house, but the more slowed-down rhythm I had adopted lately got me to quit the crazy amounts of caffeine.

Brax seemed to think I would need it. ‘Caffeine is good… I plan to keep you up for a while.’

Threat or promise, his words rushed straight to that throbbing place below my waist, igniting it to the very limits of my resistance.

Of course, I said nothing in return. None of my neurons seemed to be working at that moment. I just turned my attention to the TV that was on, from where some slow tune was sneaking up upon us.

‘Lucia probably left that on.’ Brax immediately observed the main objective of my focus.

‘I love this song. Such a shame no one is dancing to it.’

‘Is it, now?’ He abandoned what he was doing, clasping my waist until my fragile arms sneaked around his broad neck.

The lyrics were moving us with dreamlike steps, melting the world around us.

I never knew I was alive until I met you,

I never knew the eternal night could end somehow.

‘I never...’ I laughed since I was completing the song’s lyrics. ‘I never thought you could be so romantic.’

‘Don’t tell anyone, or I’ll have to kill you.’ He didn’t stop dancing, but his head tilted towards my own so he could crash his lips on mine. ‘And by the way... I’m done with the romance.’ His palms passionately clenched on my waist, pulling me so close to his body that I could feel the full effects this evening was having on him. The bulge in his pants was threatening to break the material free, pressing against me with a calling that raised unbearable anguish below my waist.

I didn’t have the chance to have any reaction before he swept me off my feet, lifted me onto his waist, and carried me to the real lion’s den— his bedroom.

The power of his steps as he was walking raised something unknown within me. It was primal, born of basic instincts, and completed with all lessons that we learned along the way. He was the modern caveman, finally claiming his woman.

I landed between fluffy pillows, floating on the bed that smelled like him as his presence surrounded all of my senses. He found his place, towering over me, caging my body between the strong pillars of his arms.

Moments had passed, yet he didn’t continue, stealing the stealth of the night and glancing at me through the darkness. I could still feel his inner war. The fight was far from being over as the sounds of the battle were still echoing in his mind. Yet this time, I held the ultimate weapon. I was offering seconds of the purest happiness in a world where that particular essence was scarcer than gold.

He roared, biting on the form of my lower lip, while he was searching for my dress zipper, making my outfit slip out of the bed.

He was staring again, although, in the black of the night, it was almost impossible to distinguish anything.

Maybe that’s exactly why he turned on the dim lamp on his nightstand.

‘What’s wrong?’ I quivered, convinced that I had done or said something wrong, making our past return to haunt him.

‘Nothing, just stay still.’ He kissed the words onto my lips, moving his hands to unclasp the straps of my bra.

I was naked to the waist while his mouth abandoned me again, and he came to rest on one of his arms, studying every inch of my body.

I suddenly felt too exposed, like he was looking at much more than my flesh, glancing straight into the depths of my soul.

A single gesture changed the dynamic of everything.

His hand didn’t mold on my breasts but traveled somewhere below my left one, beneath my heart.

I recognized the place he was searching for completely. It was the spot where I had one of the largest cuts on my body. I couldn’t remember what caused it, but I could remember the pain it provoked.

‘I recall this one. I kept my hand on it so it would stop bleeding.’ There was a silent agony in his voice as he spoke, while his eyes couldn’t stop roaming my skin. ‘Your bruises are gone. But the scars remain.’ His fingers glided over my skin to ease my pain.

I wanted to cover myself, embarrassed that he was paying more attention to my scars than to the moment.

Was I that ugly, tattooed with the violet marks that told the story of my dauntless?